The Mansion

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Percy P.O.V

"Ah, man that was some sick dream." I said getting up. I looked around the room thinking it was mine. "Wait a minute. That was all real!" I exclaimed waking up Subaru. "Hey what are you yelling for!?" Subaru yelled. Then he looked around. "Hey, I don't remember this room." He added. He then looked at his stomach and sighed of relief. We both were dressed in robes. 'This room is big. Plus this bed can fit like three people at most.' I think to myself. We opened the door and walked out. 

"At least we didn't use 'Return by Death' this time around." Subaru said. "Yeah, it is good not to use it. It is still a crappy name." I tell him. "How did I even get knocked out? I swear Elsa already left." I ask him. "Oh, a bucket fell on your head and Felt held onto you." Subaru replied. "Ah so that is why I can feel multiple bruises on my head." I say touching my head. "Isn't it normal for you to wake up with a girl next to your bed after she spent all night caring for you?" Subaru asked me. "That's from a manga man." I replied smirking a bit. After a while of walking we noticed the same painting again. "A looping hallway huh?" I said. "If so then this door shall be our way out!" Subaru said opening it. A girl with long blonde curly pigtails was sitting in front of the door. She wore a reddish dress with some pink bows on it. She sat there reading a book as we walk in. 

"What a profound and irritating man I suppose." She said. "Oh c'mon you're gonna ruin that cute little face with that cold attitude of yours. C'mon smile." Subaru said moving his hands making a smile. "The only smile you'll be getting is a sneer I suppose." She responded. "I suppose?" I replied. "Are you mad cause I guessed the door on the first try? I mean I get it, that's why game masters don't let me take any seats." Subaru said and with every remark she looked like she was getting pissed. "Uh, Subaru. That should be enough." I tell him and he stopped. "What room is this anyway?" I ask. "This is Betty's multipurpose room I suppose." She replied and closed her book. She walked up to Subaru and held out her hand to him. "Any last words I suppose?" She asked him. "Uh, don't hurt me?" He said. Then it looked like he was suddenly zapped of life for a second and fell down in pain. "What did you do to me you damn Loli!" He asked on the ground. "I drained some mana from you I suppose." She responded. I chuckled nervously and Subaru passed out. "You're not human huh?" I ask picking him up. "Took you a while I suppose." She responded. "Well, sorry to barge in on your room like that. We'll go back to ours." I tell her and walk out. 

I set Subaru down on the bed. Then I looked out the window and it was sunny, but all that crap that happened the other day is getting to me again. "Damn, I think she drained me of mana too." I said aloud and went back to sleep. 

I was the one awake first again and yawned stretching on the bed. "He has awakened sister." A voice said. "Indeed, he has awakened Rem." Another said. I hit Subaru in the chest waking him up immediately. "Oh, uh hello." I say to them and sit up. "Hey you little-" Subaru said sitting up and saw the girls. Both of them were in maid outfits. Both looked similar only difference is that their hair color is different and their bangs cover a different eye. "Wait Maid Costumes exist in this world too!" Subaru exclaimed. "It looks like it." I said and got up. 'They are cute.' I think to myself. "Sister sister, you are being violated in the mind of our guests." The Blue one said. "Rem Rem, you are experiencing the ultimate shame inside our guests mind." The Red one replied. "Don't underestimate the compacity of my mind-" Subaru said and then got hit by me. "Stop doing that you creep!" I yell at him. "Sister sister, it appears one of them is fighting the other." The Blue one said. "Rem Rem, it appears though as if he is defending us." The Red one told her. Then we heard a knock on the door. 

"Can't even get up without starting a commotion." Emilia said towards Subaru. Subaru looked at Emilia with lewd thought I think. "Wow whoever picked that outfit gets it!" Subaru said. "It's just some PJ's you damn Neet!" I exclaimed. "Though I do not what either of you mean. The fact I know it's stupid is sad." Emilia said. "Miss Emilia hear this. Those men just violated my sister in their mind." The Blue one said pointing at us. "Eh?" I said. "Miss Emilia those men have violated Rem in the heinous way." The Red one added. "No that's just a misunderstanding!" I said waving my hands in the air. "Now you two that's enough teasing." Emilia said walking to us. "Yes, my sister is very sorry." The Blue one said. "Yes, Rem is also sorry." The Red on added. "Are you two feeling alright?" She asked us. "Other than feeling groggy I am alright. Thank you for saving me Mellie." Subaru said. 'He is trying hard I think.' I say to myself. "I am alright too though I do have a bunch of bruises and stuff on my head. I think I was being hit when I was knocked out." I replied. "Mellie?" Emilia asked. "Oh it's just a nickname. Don't worry about it." Subaru responded. "Well it is time to start a new day." Subaru said and got up. 

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