The Hero almost died twice

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My mind was blank. I saw some visions of Rem and Beatrice talking. I also saw Subaru and Emilia for a bit. Then I heard a voice saying "I swear I will save you." Then I slowly opened my eyes, and the first thing I saw was a ceiling. I sighed. "Another unfamiliar ceiling." I said and tried to sit up but I couldn't. I looked at my arms. "So they were able to save my life but barely." I said to myself. I saw Subaru and Emilia at a table sleeping. "I guess they were watching over me too." I said. "Yeah, for the most part." Puck said and flew to me. "What's up fuzz ball. I'd love to pet you, but it'd hurt." I told him. "That would be nice and all, but you were lucky enough to be alive." Puck said. "Yeah, I'd figured after those dogs gnarled on me." I said. "That is a cute way of putting it, but it was more like. 'Roar, I'm gonna eat you. Yummy.' Type of thing." Puck said. "Yeah, that wasn't realistic at all." I told him. "Well, it is a good thing Rem took most of the hits." Puck said. Hearing that made me sit up. "Oh don't worry about it. She heals fast thanks to her demon form." Puck reassured me. "Man don't scare me like that." I tell him. "Hey what about the kids?" I asked him. "They are all fine thanks to Beatrice and me. You and Subaru's intuition were spot on. Applause!" Puck said clapping. "Have they been here this whole time?" I asked talking about Subaru and Emilia. "Yeah, for the most part at least. Ram was also here watching you too but left earlier." Puck answered. 

I walked out silently closing the door. I turned around and saw Ram. "Hi Ra-" I started but was stopped by her hugging me. "Aw, I missed you too." I teased her. She then let go and picked up her basket and grabbed something shoving it into my mouth. I gagged for a few moments. "Does it taste good?" She asked. I finished it and gasped for air. "Yes but I thought I was gonna die!" I exclaimed. "You did a good thing last night, Percy." Ram said. "If any of the villagers were hurt it would've been the Lords fault. For that I thank you. But you went and got yourself injured which I specifically said not to." Ram told me. "Actually wasn't it to bring Rem back?" I asked. "It was both, but I didn't say it." Ram said. "I'll be sure to remember that next time." I told her. "I also reconnected the barrier. Barusu made sure the villagers were happy last night and entertained them." Ram said. "The kids are also safe and well too. Though they need to rest. I'll see you later Percy." Ram said and left me. 

I walked to where the kids were healing up and paid them a visit. They were all sound asleep so I left them and saw Beatrice. "Hey, heard you played a big role on removing those curses." I told Beatrice. "I only did it because Bubby asked me too I suppose." She responded. "Well, thank you either way." I tell her. "We have a bigger problem that we must discuss, follow me I suppose." She told me and walked away. "Uh, alright then." I followed her. 

"In about less a day you will most certainly die I suppose." She told me. I sighed and leaned on the rock wall behind me. "You don't look nowhere near as disturbed as I was expecting. I thought you'd cry I suppose." Beatrice said to me. "The curse on me still isn't lifted then, is it?" I ask her. "With one curse it can be easily erased, but with multiple stacked on top of each other, it is more complicated I suppose." She said. "I assume it was because of all the bite marks they left on me." I said. "Yes that is correct." She replied. "Okay, but why half a day?" I asked. "That's when the Mabeasts activate their curse to replenish Mana." She answered. "So they made me into dog chow." I said and sighed. 'Yeah, I am dog food now. Great.' I think to myself. "Strange, I tell you how much time you left to live and you are completely unfrightened." Beatrice said. "Actually the opposite in fact I am scared to die. But I get to live it out as I see fit." I tell her. "So give it to me straight, how complicated is this thing?" I ask her. "Well, theoretically speaking if all the Mabeasts were to die it would cancel out the curse." She replied. "So it's near to impossible. That is alot to go through." I said. Then I remembered something. 

"I swear I'll save you, I promise." Rem said and she left the building. 

"Where is Rem?" I asked Beatrice. "C'mon tell me." I pleaded. "What would you do in her situation?" She replied. "I'm not going to ignore what you said, Miss Beatrice." Ram spoke above us. "Ram?" I said. "Did Rem go into the forest alone?" Ram asked. "Yes." Beatrice said. "But why would Rem put herself in such a dangerous position for me anyways, even though it is impossible to save me." I said. Then Ram started to run to the forest. "Hey no stop!" I said and grabbed her. "Let me go at once. I am not leaving my little sister go all alone." She told me. "Now hold on, we need a plan before going in there. Now tell me, are you a fighter?" I asked her. "You plan on going in with me?" She asked. "Well, yeah I got nothing left to lose." I tell her. "Okay, but don't expect me to fight like Rem does." She told me. "Huh? Your twins right? Wouldn't that make you both demons?" I ask her. "In a way yes, but I am hornless." She said and smiled. I smiled back, "Well don't worry about a thing then. I also got magic on my side too." I tell her. "Yeah, but it is useless." She said. "Okay that hurt a little." I replied. "I can use a bit of wind magic." She said and waved her hand to the ground. A burst of wind hit the ground spraying dust everywhere. "That'll do." I said. "You going for the younger sister will mean that you accept death." Beatrice told me. "Yeah, like I said. I get to choose how I live it. Even how I die." I said to them. "Alright lets go." I added.

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