The Hardwork pays off

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 "Please Felt will you make the deal?" I asked her. She was about to say something then we heard a knock at the door. Me and Subaru looked at each other. 'Were we too late?' I thought. "Don't open it. We'll die if you do." Subaru told Felt. Felt opened the door anyways.

"Now why would I do something so insidious like that?" (Satella?) said. Felt let out a little "Gah!" as she saw her. Felt backed up some. "Wait how did you even get here?" Felt asked. "You're so persistent." Felt added. "I simply want what was stolen from me. My Insignia is very important to me." (Satella?) said. She then formed Ice Crystals around her. 

"Now if she were a run in the mill mage. I wouldn't back down, but this one spells out trouble." The Old Man said. "Hey no! You are admitting defeat before anything happens!?" Felt protested. "Hey lady, you are an elf aren't ya?" The Old Man asked. She sighed. "Well not necessarily. technically I am a Half-Elf." She corrected the Old Man. "Wait really?" Felt replied. "No way silver hair?!" Felt added but was interrupted. "It's a common misconception and causes me nothing but trouble." (Satella?) told her. "I knew it! You two set me up, didn't you?" Felt said pointing at me and Subaru. "Wait, no no no. You got it wrong Felt." I tell her. " This 'I'm gonna return it to its owner crap' you really did set me up." Felt replied in anger. "Wait, so you three aren't working together?" (Satella?) asked.

Subaru smirked making the room all quiet. "Eh?" I said confused. "What are you smirking about?" Felt asked him. "Oh, nothing and can we just be done with this nonsense already? Just give her the Insignia back and you Silver Hair. You should get out of here and not lose that thing again." Subaru said to the group. "Why are you being so nice all of a sudden?" (Satella?) asked. "Yeah, did you hit your head or something?" Felt asked. While this was going down I looked around the door, because it was getting around to that time again. Then I saw a glint in the shadows and a sword go up behind uh Satella? "Hey Puck shield her!" I yell out standing up from my chair. 

An Ice Sheild blocked Elsa's attack and she jumped back. All of us were now facing her. "Nice job. Any later and we would've been toast." Puck said to me. "Thank goodness you're still on duty." Subaru told Puck. "My my, I have never been able to cut out a Spirit before." Elsa said. "What're you talking about?" Felt asked. "Well now that the original owner is here. We can't talk negotiation now can we? All talk but you are nothing more than a slum dweller." Elsa told Felt. Felt looked shaken by this. "Hey dickhead, Felt is doing everything she can to survive out here and even kicked me in the balls!" I told Elsa. "Not the time you idiot!" Felt told me. "You get your weird kicks picking on a little girl, kicking tables cause a plan failed? You look like a spoiled little brat. You need to learn to grow up cause getting your stomach cut open really hurts!" Subaru added. "What are you babbling about? We have never even met before." Elsa said to us. "Well actually we did meet earlier." I corrected her. "Shut up Percy!" Felt said hitting my balls again. I fell down. "Now I really won't have any kids." I say to her. "That should do it. Get her Puck!" Subaru yelled. "I hope your boths display of awkwardness lives on throughout the ages." Puck told us. "Yay.." I say still on the ground Felt picked me up. "Hi, my name is Puck. Be sure to remember it when you die, okay?" Puck told Elsa. He then created Ice Crystals throughout the room and launched them at Elsa. It created a huge ice prison.

"Did we get her?" The Old Man asked. "Shut up! You're gonna jinx it!" Subaru told him. "One should always come prepared." Elsa said and the ice prison broke. Elsa then charged at (Satella?) but she blocked it. Puck continued to fire Ice Crystals at her making Elsa constantly move and dodge. "If this is a battle of wits I'd say we have the upper hand." Subaru said. We watch has Puck and (Satella?) were keeping Elsa on her toes. "It's the matter of how long the spirit can stay in their physical form." The Old Man said. 'That's right and it is practically nightfall now.' I thought. 

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