Back Again

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The next morning, I found myself walking with the Miyagi-Dos up the stairs of a building. We were following Johnny. Somehow, I didn't feel awkward. Daniel must have explained everything to Sam because she was making me feel accepted. Demetri and I kept giving awkward smiles to one another.

We arrived at the top of the building. We followed Johnny to the side of the roof. I knew whatever Johnny was planning on doing wasn't going to be good if he led us to the side of a building's roof. We looked off the side, only to see about four mattresses on the ground beneath us. I heard Demetri say to himself, "Oh god, I'm tired of being right."

I looked at everyone else. They all looked terrified for their lives. For some odd reason, I wasn't scared. I assumed it must of been the fact that I'd gotten used to Johnny's risky ways. I could be wrong through. 

"What are we doing here?" Sam asked, sounding terrified.

"When an eagle's hungry," Johnny started. "it doesn't hesitate. It'll dive down at 100 miles an hour to snatch its prey. Doesn't wait around for a fish to jump at its feet."

"Talons." Demetri interrupted.

"It's not talent. It's instinct." Johnny said. "An eagle knows it has to make the first move. If you want to beat Cobra Kai at the All Valley, you gotta break yourself of this wait-and-see crap."

"How exactly are we gonna do that?" Sam asked.

"You're gonna jump from this roof," He turned. "To that one."

"What! Are you crazy?!" Sam yelled in horror. 

"That building is, like, 5 Nates away and we're at least 14 Nates high." 

"Please don't use me as a system of measurement." Nate said.

"Quiet!" Johnny yelled. "If you want to be an eagle, first you gotta learn how to fly. You can't do that unless you jump." 

"What if we fall?" I asked.

"That's what the mattresses are for." Johnny answered.

"And if we miss the mattresses?" Demetri asked.

"Try not to." Johnny said. "All right, who's first?"

We all looked at each other. I wasn't going first. Johnny was a risky person and he did a lot of stupid things but this was extreme, even for him. He rolled his eyes before saying, "We're not leaving till someone jumps. Let's go, I'll wait."

"Well then, I guess you're going to be waiting a long time." Sam started. "Cause we're not jumping." 

They all walked away. Johnny started staking crates onto each other creating a huge step. 

"Johnny, don't you think this a little extreme." I started. "I mean, I know you do stuff like this a lot but jumping off a roof onto another? We're not Natasha Romanoff."

"Who?" Johnny asked, confused.

"Nevermind. The point is this is way more dangerous than anything else you've done before."

"Oh come on, don't tell me you've gone cowardly too, L/N." 

"It's not being a coward, it's being smart." I looked at the other roof and then pointed at it. "That isn't smart. Not one bit." 

"Look if you want to wait here all day, be my guest, I'm just trying to help you guys be tough."

I heard Johnny talking to Sam. We then waited some more. I wasn't paying attention. I was thinking. About Robby, Miguel, Eli, Demetri, Tory. How was I going to fix everything? I only paid attention when Johnny yelled, "You all failed! Grab your crap and let's go!" I grabbed my bag and was walking next to Sam. 

She then stopped walking, dropped her bag and begun to move backwards. She placed her hands in a fighting stance and then begun running towards the crates. She stepped on them quickly and jumped off the side of the building and landed on the other roof. Johnny yelled out, "Nice move, LaRusso!" Everyone else cheered while Sam smiled. 

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