You'll Regret Existing

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Emily (next morning)

Last night was amazing. I still can't believe Ty proposed to me in such a beautiful way. I just wished mom and dad had been there with me, but I know they will be thrilled to hear the good news. Everything is starting to click together now. When dad said he knew she was the one since they were small. How her scent used to drive him wild, but they still took a while to get married because they didn't want to raise suspicions around our already too small town.

It was no wonder they were so supportive of our relationship. The only one that has been a little off is my big brother Aiden. But I guess it's understandable, he was really mad when my ex-Carter cheated on me, and Aiden is extremely protective of me. He hated the idea of me dating Carter overall. He said I was too young and naive and one day I would know why he said it. I guess it was his way of telling me that I needed to wait until I found my mate.

It's always been just the two of us. I mean, I have cousins from uncle Mat, mom's twin brother, and from my step-auntie, Sarah, but they all live so far. So it's easy to say that Aiden and I grew up together and were inseparable. The only one whom he didn't raise flags around me was Chloe, my best friend.

The warm sun peeked through the window, awakening me. I was laying on my side. I stretched out, and covered myself with the duvet since I was completely naked. I turned to my side and saw that Ty was already gone. He had good me he needed to be up earlier to train with our pack members that came along and then the men were going to have a meeting together.

"Huh... I guess he's already gone." the shower wasn't running and the light was off, so I knew he wasn't in the restroom, he definitely must have left already.

I sat up and saw three roses beautifully tied with a white ribbon by the edge of the bed. I smiled, reaching over and grabbing them.

There was a note attached to the ribbon. I tilted my head and grabbed the note, smelling the sweet scent of the roses.


I smiled as I finished reading it. His penmanship is impeccable, and the note still lingered with his scent. I sighed as I inhaled his sweet scent.

I got up, took a quick shower and got ready. He had gotten me a pretty sundress in light blue with a heart shaped neck line. The dress flowed beautifully down to my mid-thigh, which was perfect since it was a bit got today.

I decided on light make up, left my hair down, parting it to a side and combed it sleeper down. I grabbed my black flats and a thin black cardigan just in case. I took a once over on the body-length mirror and smiled. "He sure has good taste." I thought out loud with a smile on my face. I couldn't help but admire my ring, making me sigh.

I grabbed my phone, placed it in my front pocket of my cardigan and grabbed the key to our room, locking the door right before leaving.

I made my way down the stairs, getting hit with the sweet scent of pancakes and all the delicious food that was being cooked up in the kitchen. God, I so badly wanted to go in there and help. Both of my grandmothers were big on southern hospitality, and always made sure I learned the joy of helping out, which was what I did back home when I see Mrs. Tammy cooking and cleaning.

She's an amazing woman. Reminds me so much of my grandma Lorraine.

I peeked inside and saw so many ladies keeping busy in the kitchen; some cooking up the pancakes, some slicing and dicing, others preparing jugs with orange juice and so much more.

"Good morning, Emily." I jumped in place as I heard someone behind me. I cringed inside as I see Hope and her mom.

"Good morning ma'am. Hope." I said, saying Hope's name dryly. Yes... I wanted her to know I disliked her as well. If she thinks I'm letting her come between Ty and I, she has it all wrong.

"Everyone is gathering in the dining hall, will you like to join us dear?" Candace asked with a genuine smile. How can such a sweet ;day have such a cold hearted bitch for a daughter? I don't understand, honestly.

"Uh, actually I wanted to ask these ladies of they needed any help." I smiled apologetically, pointing back towards the kitchen. Hope narrowed her eyebrows in disbelief, crossing her hands over her chest, "Why would you want to go do that? That's what the omega's are for. Honestly, I knew you were going to make Ty look bad."

"Excuse me?" I retorted back in anger. I can't believe she had the audacity to say that to me, I mean, who the hell does she think she is? And what's wrong with helping them? Ty and everyone in our pack have taught me that we are all equal, it doesn't matter who you are, or what rank you are considered in our pack.

No wonder our pack was said to be so different than the rest.

"This is peasants work, Emily. Ty is the Beta of your pack, you should not even be seen talking to these omega's unless it's to ask them to do something for you or to bring you something." she sounded like a stupid spoiled brat to me if you ask me.

"I know who Ty is, and I can assure you I am not making him look bad."

"Are you sure about that?" she cocked an eyebrow, putting more pressure on one hip than the other.

"Very. There is nothing wrong with being helpful. That's what a true leader does, shows the example of humbleness and hard work. But I guess a stupid spoiled princes wouldn't know anything about that, would she?" I spat back. I was stupid last night to stay quiet when I saw her being touchy and flirty with Tyler, but she had another thing coming if she thought that was going to continue.

She's so dead wrong. Wesley is right, Tyler and I belong together. Our Goddess gave him to me, and I'll be damned if I let her come between us.

"Whovthe hell are you calling spoiled princess?"

"Girls, keep it down. Look, let's all calm down, ok? Emily dear, I am so sorry. Hope you need to apologize,"

"Apologize? For what? Telling her the truth? Do you know how bad Ty will look when rumors start to spread that his mate is in the kitchen helping all these maids?"

"What is your problem with me? I've done nothing to you, and what I do is none of your business."

"It is my business because Ty is my friend!" she raised her voice, making heads turn, but little does she know that this is the reason why mom says my sassy mouth always gets me into trouble.

"And he is my mate, got it?" I took a step forward, challenging her.

"And I will do as I so damn well feel like, and if I feel like getting into that kitchen and helping these ladies bake a damn tray of biscuits or dicing a bag full of onions than I will gladly damn well do it sweetheart." I could hear her growling, her eyes turning dark as she fought her damn wolf for dominance over her body.

"Rip her fucking throat, Em." my wolf finally said as I clemched my jaw, refusing to look away.

"Mark my words, you stupid mutt, by the time I'm done with you, you will regret EVER being alive. And you will regret coming here to ru9n my fucking life." she whispered as she took a step forward. I growled, making her eyes go wide for a second as she became aware that I too had a wolf of my own.

She discreatly sniffed a few times, her eyes went wide in shock as she realized that I in fact did have a wolf awakening.

She tilted her head in confusion, making me smirk. I leaned over to her ear and whispered, "Bring it on bitch. But once Ty marks me for good, it's over for you. He's mine, got it?" I looked at her one last time, winked at her and walked towards the kitchen, grabbing an apron from the wall hooks and placed it on.


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