Black Out

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I was still in my aunt Emma's home, sitting on the couch next to her.

I can't help but feel heartbroken and miserable, letting my tears fall. "Please, promise me you'll talk it out with Ty. Sweetie, believe me when I say that Ty loves you. He would do anything for you. I'm sure he had his reasons for what he did. But, you won't know unless you clear things up with him. Hope is just trying to get under your skin. It's what she wants! For you to leave Ty and leave the road clear for her to seduce him." Emma tries to console me.

She tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear, cupping my face and smiling at me. I sniffle, giving her a half-hearted smile. "I know. I know he loves me, I feel it. And I believe what you're saying. It's just... He should have given us a chance from the start. We could have been together long ago. And Hope wouldn't have gotten the idea that she had a chance with him." I say, growling.

Amethyst couldn't help but growl as well. She despised Hope, and randomly would beg me to allow her to come out and give Hope a good shake-up.

Emma chuckles, nodding her head. "I sense a bit of jealousy," she says, giggling. "I hate her. I hate how rude she is. How manipulative and malice,"

"I know. She... Can be a bit overbearing. And would have been a great leader if she didn't have so much hate in her heart."

"Did Blake and Ty really save her when she was a baby?" I ask as I recall the story Ty had told me. It's hard to imagine that they have somehow reincarnated for thousands of years to the same families because of the curse Ty and Selene's aunt, Carrie had them under long ago.

It wasn't until Selene finally broke the curse by killing her. I've heard of souls having to come back and repeat lifetime over a lifetime the same thing because of a generational curse, but I had never met anyone until Ty and them.

"They did. She was the same woman that had me captive for hundreds of years inside a pendant. I was scared and weak from all the torture and tests she did on me. But little did she know I could hear everything. I learned all her spells, all of her secrets. When she least expected it, I set myself free with the help of another powerful witch she had locked inside another pendant. I still remember her. She was so young and pretty."

"What was her name?" I asked as I listened diligently. "Amber. She was just seventeen. Destined to be the same age for eternity cast by Carrie."

"The envy of many humans, huh? To stay young and beautiful forever," I say as we both chuckle.

"If they only knew the price that needs to get paid for that. They would become mad after a few too many centuries of being alive," she says as her expression becomes saddened.

My aunt Emma looked no older than a twenty-two-year-old, but she was thousands of years old, just like my great-grandpa.

I looked at the time and saw it was getting late. I've been so overwhelmed by my emotions that I completely lost track of time. My aunt and I wanted to concentrate on the spell earlier that we had both forgotten that we had closed our mind links with everyone.

But I guess it worked on my behalf. I was too worked up by what I learned that I was ready to go off on Tyler. Who knows what I may have done if I mouthed off. My mouth has gotten me into many troubles before. I'm not going to lie, I'm known for being a hothead back home. But thanks to Tyler, I've been able to control my temper.

"It's getting late, Emma. I think I'm going to start heading home. Besides, I didn't tell Ty where I was going. And I kind of ditched the guards he has looking after me. I should get home before it gets completely dark." I said smiling.

"Be careful out there, sweetie. I'll let Damian know you're leaving so he sends some of our guys to follow you home."

"No, it's ok. I will be just fine. Besides, you guys have your hands full with things here."

"Em, Ty and lake would kill us if anything happened to you. Let me get some of my boys to follow you home. I just want to make sure you get home safely."

"We're not far. I'll be fine. Besides, I'm a grown girl. I can take care of myself." I say, making her look at me worried. She reminds me so much of mom. She worried about me all the time when I had first moved out on my own.

"No. I can't let that happen."

"I'll be fine, aunt Emma. Really!" I say, making her sigh.

"Fine. But call me as soon as you get home so I know you g0t there safely. Ok?" she pleads, earning a warm smile from me.

"Ok. I'll let you know as soon as I get home," I say, as I get up and we say goodbye.

I drive away and make my way back to our pack's territory.

I'm calmer, and I begin to browse through my playlist to listen to music that will help me stay in a good mood, but I accidentally drop my phone making me grunt.

The road is pretty wide, and I'm the only one driving so I try and reach for my phone. My fingers can feel the phone, but it's not enough to grab it. I look down for a moment, "There you are, you son of a-"

And without a warning, a black SUV comes out of nowhere, ramming my car and making it swerve out of control.

I instantly panic, trying to control the car but it keeps swerving out of control until I hit a tree. My airbag goes off and that's all I can remember as my vision blurs... Until I see nothing but darkness and I blackout.


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