I Love This Man

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By the afternoon, I decided to go down and start lunch, Ty was usually out until dinner, so I was going to make only a small meal for myself. But to my surprise, Ty was getting home just as I descended the stairs. He had a paper bag in hand, and by the delicious smell, it had to have food inside.

"Hi, baby," he says with a smile as he sees me come down.

"Hi, you're home early," I add, making him chuckle. He wraps me in a hug, holding me by my waist and pulling me in for a kiss.

"I am. The pack's paperwork is pretty much caught up, so we decided to call it a day. I hope you don't mind; I brought food for us. This way, you don't have to cook."

I smiled, wrapping my hands around his neck, "Are you saying that you don't have to be back in the office for the rest of the day? I get to have you for the rest of the evening?"

"I'm all yours," he says, making me land a kiss on his lips.

He helped set the table while I plated our food and went over to grab an excellent bottle of rose that Selene had given me.

I wasn't much into wine, but I had a liking to rose. It's not so harsh, just enough sweetness, and not so high in alcohol; I don't like to drink. I never was fond of beer taste or liquor, but I can tolerate the taste of rose.

I placed the flutes down, and Ty grabbed the bottle, kissing me on my mark. I couldn't help but giggle at the feel of sparks when he kissed my neck.

He popped open the bottle and poured it into the flutes. We sat and enjoyed our meal. I had honestly tried to forget about the conversation I had with his mom a few hours ago, but somehow it kept popping into my head.

I wandered off, holding the flute to my lips. "You know he's looking at you, right? Just talk to him. It would help if you were open with him. He needs to know something is bothering you." Amethyst suggested. She was right. I don't want things to be awkward between us, and the only way to prevent this awkwardness is by speaking to him.

"Em, what's wrong, baby? I can feel something's bothering you?"

I sighed and placed my flute down. I grabbed my napkin and wiped my lips as I smiled at Ty. "Ty, your mom came by," I said, making him smile.

Being Beta 0f our pack meant that he was pretty busy, and given that I was with Ty now, he spent less time seeing his parents.

"Oh, how is she?"

"Good. She wants us over for dinner. If that's ok with you?" I suggested, making him smile.

"That would be great. But I don't think that's what's bothering you, is it?" Ty says, making me shrug my shoulders.

"Em, we're mated now, remember? When you feel distressed, I can feel it. When you're hurting, worried, scared, anything at all, I can feel it. Were the same now, remember? So talk to me. I know something is worrying you. Am I right?" And boy, was he right.

I sighed deeply and pursed my lips, "Ty, why didn't you tell me my dad was helping you with your project in Dubai? You rarely talk to me about work, actually. Why? Do you think I won't understand what you're talking about? Because let me remind you that I was taking over most of my parent's paperwork at the vineyard. So if you worry that I won't understand then-"

"Wow...wow, Em. Baby, slow down." he stops me as I find myself talking away rapidly, as I do every time I'm nervous or anxious.

"Baby. I know you're an intelligent woman; I do not doubt it. I guess I just got used to being alone for so long. I last wanted to come home and bore you with pack and paperwork trouble. I swear the last I wanted was to make you feel excluded. I'm sorry, Em." he says as he stands and walks toward me. He pulls me by my waist, interlacing his other hand in my hair and pulling me in for a kiss.

" I'm sorry, too. It's just; that I'm all alone here, and I miss my parents and my best friend. There's not much to do here. I get lonely when you're not home." I say, making him smile.

"I'll tell you what? You're fully awake now, and it won't be long until you can shift. How about you start joining me during the morning practices and go with me on our next trip?" my face lit up at his words.

I nodded, biting my lip. He kissed my lips and buried his head in my neck. "And. Hey, I'll talk to Blake and see if we can arrange a visit from your parents. I'm sure they'll love it here. I'm not so sure about Chloe, though. Is it ok if we wait a little longer on her visit?" he asks.

I don't doubt she would flip if she came. I was thrown off seeing random guys and girls walking butt naked after they shifted. It's normal for werewolves, but for humans... It may be a little too inappropriate.

"That would be amazing. Thanks, Ty."

"Anything for you, Em. Believe me; I just want to make you happy. I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe and make you happy." his hands trail lower down my butt as he squeezes them lightly, making me squeal.

"Down, boy," I whisper, making him chuckle. I kiss his lips and trail my hands around his neck as our foreheads meet. "Can you blame a guy? Just look at you? You got me going crazy for you.!" he whispers, trailing his tongue over my mark.

The small gesture causes me to shiver as my body tingles. The joining of our skin always causes me to have sparks all over.

I know I'm used to being in the fight or flight survival mode, but if I'm going to make things work with Ty, I need to start trusting him. He's trying so hard; I know he is, and for that... I love him more.


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