Something's Brewing

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Emily (Two days later- Shifting Ceremony)

The day of the shifting ceremony came. I had to shift for the first time. I was nervous as hell, regardless of how hard I'd worked on this.

Ty has been encouraging me, and we've been training nonstop, even after peek hours. I'm getting stronger, and I'm becoming faster at training. Sure, the only one that still kicks my butt is Hope, but I'm getting good, real good!

Not to mention my training with Emma. The elements are kicking my butt. Just when I think I've gotten them down, they throw curve balls at me. By the way- if you ever get into this- never mess with a spell if you don't know what you're doing. And- rosemary is not always a substitute for a missing ingredient. I should know; I spent three days rushing to the bathroom to throw up.

"You got this, remember, you can do it, ok baby?"Ty says as he rubs my shoulders as if trying to rub the tension away. I felt foolish knowing I was the only adult among so many kids. But I needed to prove that I was strong enough for my pack. I need to get over my fears and shift to be fully trained.

I hate standing on the sidelines when they shift onto their wolves to continue a more intense training. Amethyst is eager to come out. She is getting strong; I can feel her.

"Ty, what's going on? Why are those warriors gathering in the middle of the field?" I asked, a bit curious as to what was happening. All the men in our pack began to gather in the middle to where we will shift in just a few more minutes—all men from youngest to oldest.

"Baby, YOU... are in for a treat," he says as he gives me a cheeky smile, kisses my lips, and sprints off to join the men. They all begin to chant, yell, and stomp, making the earth rumble. It almost reminded me of a mixture between college frat boys and the Haka dance, more of the Haka than the other, of course, as they seemed to give honor to our pack and our past pack members. It was pure magic.

The ladies began to cheer. Screams and howls roar through the air as the men continue to shout their voices in beautiful brotherhood. The chanting, roaring, and stomping continued, cheering and blessing all the kids that were about to shift for the first time, welcoming them into a new phase in their lives.

It made me feel so proud to be part of this pack. All the girls that were going to shift began to gather in front of the men and boys, chanting. "Emily, come on. You gotta go with us!" One of the girls says, pulling me along with them. I giggled, following behind them. The ladies cheered us on. They whistled and hooted for us, making me feel overjoyed.

The girls began to beat their chests, stomping and roaring chants along with them. It took me a few tries, but I started to get the hang of it. To think that they have all done this for thousands of years and I was now taking part in this honor= it made me feel honored and overjoyed.

We finally ended with a giant warrior whoot, stomping our feet on the ground and thumping our right fist over our hearts. We were all heaving, breathing heavily and filled with adrenaline. Tyler, who stands opposite me and his eyes locked on mine with a big smile, winks, making me blush.

The men disperse, and Ty comes forward, wrapping his arm around me and claiming my lips. "Remember, you got this. I'll be right here with you the whole time, as Asher will, Amethyst. Love you girls!" he says, speaking for himself and his wolf to me and my wolf, Amethyst. He quickly leaves, sprinting toward the men as they gather up and begin to yell their hearts out, telling us that we got this, along with the women who whoot and cheer aloud for us. I had never felt such unity in my life as I did right now.

I hadn't noticed that I was crying until my aunt, Emma, suddenly came behind me and wrapped her arm around my shoulders, and wiped away my tears. "Stop being nervous. You were born for this. This is where you belong. Trust your instincts, ok?" she says, cupping my face, kissing my forehead, and sprinting back to the crowd quickly.

Alpha Landon, or Blake as he constantly warns me to call him- stands in front of us, making everyone quiet down. His hands behind his back, looking sternly at all of us. Ty stands beside him, and Liam to his other side. "Remind me again, pups... Who are we?"

"Primords!" a few answers are heard. He chuckles, nodding with his head down, and sighs. He looks up with a demanding stare, clenching his jaw, and yells out in a more demanding voice, "I SAID... WHO ARE... WE?"

"PRIMORDS." we all yell in unison.

"That's right." he barks back, looking at us proudly. His eyes pierced through every one of us. "And DON'T you EVER... Forget this."

He raises his hand, fist in the air, as he looks at the boys personally, "AND PRIMORDS ALWAYS STICK TOGETHER!" he shouts, emphasizing in the word always. Everyone erupts in Haaawhhootts! Fists bumping the air continuously.

"No- let the fun begin!" he tilts his head with a huge smile, and one by one, they begin to shift. Thirteen-year-olds bodies shifting to their wolves one by one. Bobe snapping and crackling sounds are heard as they begin shifting. Some whimper, as they are not used to doing this. I had heard from kids who were preparing for this that other packs wait until they are a bit older, as they are not as strong.

But these kids- wow- they've got it all down. They were shifting in no less than five minutes when I hear other pack's kids can take up to an hour their first shift. "This is it, Em. It's now... Or never. Amethyst!" I say, closing my eyes and getting my wolf's attention. "Take it away, darling!" I can see her prancing around joyfully as she begins to trot and jump with joy.

I get sent into her mind, it yet, somehow it was - still me. I can hear the cracking and bending, snapping of my bones as Amethyst takes over, making me shift in under two minutes. Everyone has shifted, but many eyes are set on me, making me ponder as to why. Did I do something wrong? Did I not do it right? Oh, goddess- do I look like a freak?

Ty slowly walks to me as amethyst, and I hear whispers, surprised looks, and some excitement. "Ty, what's wrong?" I ask through a mind link, surprising myself even... Since it was my first time being able to nail the whole mind link down.

"Nothing is wrong, Amethyst. You look beautiful. Just like I pictured you. Look!" he points to body-length mirrors that a few pack omega's we're bringing out for the new shifted pups to see themselves.

I slowly walk across the field, my paws feeling the fresh grass under me. It felt cool, indulging, making me sigh as I feel the cool breeze hit my fur. If mating with Tyler had heightened my senses, it had quadrupled by allowing Amethyst to take over and shift for the first time.

I reached an empty mirror, and I gasped, feeling teary-eyed as I saw Amethyst for the first time. She's a giant white wolf with a long fluffy tail with delicate features—her eyes were as silver as mine. "Amethyst!" I choke out, feeling emotional. "You're- you're beautiful!" I say as I begin to cry, making her utter a happy whimper.

My body sparks as I feel Tyler's hand grazing over my fur, sending shivers through my body. A soft involuntary moan escaped me, making him chuckle as he embraced me over my neck and buried his face in my fur, and began to kiss my snout. "So proud of you, baby. I am so freaking proud of you! You did it. You freaking did it." he says as he continues to kiss my snout, making me giggle.

But amidst the commotion, the festivity of the event, and the celebration, I could feel something. Call it a spidey-sense kind of thing. But something... I don't know what! Something was brewing. I could feel it. My ears perked up, and I glanced everywhere until I found those piercing violet eyes glaring at me with evil hatred.

I growled, making Ty snap out of his kissing frenzy. Be looks at me concerned and then sees my gaze frozen on a certain silver-haired girl. He sighs, looking back at me. "Whatever it is, I know... But don't do anything. Not yet, at least... Ok? Patients baby... Patients." he says as he hugs me, making amethyst whimper.


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