I Want Him

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Emily quickly turns into her driveway, placing her car in park and turning off the engine as if she was in a rush. She gets off quickly and runs inside her home, surprised that her door is unlocked. She feels shaking and distraught. Resting on the door after she has slammed it shut behind her.

"Emily? Why are you slamming the door sweetheart? What's the matter with you?" Her mom is at the kitchen stirring her delicious chocolate chip cookie dough.

"Sorry, mom. I just, ugh!" She closes her eyes tight and gulps down hard as she slowly makes her way and sits on a barstool at the kitchen island holding the back of her neck with her right hand.

"Why are you here at my place again?" She squints her eye looking at her mom confused and tired. Her mom chuckles as she continues to mix her cookie batter.

"Well, I figured I'd come by to check on you, and. . ." She places the bowl down grabbing a cookie sheet and spraying it with cooking oil.

"To remind you, that you have your date with the Wilson's boy today remember?" Her mom looks at her and smiles. Emily grunts and gets off, walking towards the refrigerator.

"Mom, no offense. But, I have absolutely no intention of going out with that guy. And for the record, you really have to stop setting me up on blind dates. I hate it!" Emily looks at her mom, as she opens a can of Pepsi and sips it as she walks past her to sit on the couch.

Her mom sighs as she walks towards her and sits next to her. "Sweety, I just want to see you smile for a change. It's been weeks since you've been in a really bad mood. I just thought, maybe a date would do you goo-"

"Mom! I mean it. Look." Emily stands from the sofa and looks at her mom. A stern and determined glance in her eyes. "I will go out with this guy, this time. But if this date goes bad I'm done! And, after this date, whether it goes good or bad, you have to promise me to back off. Ok?" She gulps on her pop and grabs her phone vibrating in her pocket.

She sees a text message from an unknown number and opens it up.

"Hey, pretty girl. Meet us in an hour at the Reynolds Bistro inside the town's vineyard. We look forward to seeing your town."

She sighs realizing this is probably one of the guys she had met at the coffeehouse. A slow churn of butterflies waking her intrigues as she thinks back to that gorgeous set of dimples and jet black hair. Her mind goes back, remembering Tyler's eyes and something inside her makes her feel unease over this date.

She has to find a way out of this unwanted date with the Wilson's son, she doesn't know why, but she knows she has to do something to get out of it, or at least end it as fast as possible.

"Damn it!" She sighs putting her phone back in her pocket.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" Her mom narrows her eyebrows in concern.

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