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It's someone's birthday.

Can you guess who?

I'm gonna give you one hint...

It's not Legolas's.

Legolas: Awwww! :(

It iiiiiiissssss...

Dess_Basilisk's birthday!!!

Dess, you are amazy. Happy birthday, mellon nin! I'm so glad to have met you. You've added so much awesome, crazy fun to my life. 😄

I hope you have amazing day! You deserve that Legolas cardboard stand-up. 😂

Love ya! Congrats on your engagement with Thorin! *sends you virtual hugs*

*turns to readers* Guys, you HAVE to go follow Dess_Basilisk! She's one of the craziest, most hilarious girls I know. Loooove her!

Also, she's getting married to Thorin on the 11th of June, so make so sure you go follow ThorinxDess (their ship account)!


Also, if any of your birthdays are coming up, tell meeeee! I'd love to post a chapter about it!

But for now, go follow Dess, read her books, wish her a happy birthday and don't let Legolas eat the cake.

Legolas: :(

Love you all! Baaaaaiiiiii! :D

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