Inside Out

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I just watched Inside Out! OH MAH GOSH, IT WAS ADORABLE. I loved Joy and Sadness and Disgust and Anger and Fear and Riley and Bing-Bong and IT WAS AWESOME.

No matter how old I get, I'm still a kid at heart. I still watch the latest Disney movies and re-watch the old ones.

I really loved Inside Out because it was just so clever! It literally explained mood swings to me! Now I know that I've got little people fighting over a control console in my brain. Huh, who knew?

I'm sure that you get a new emotion that comes when you become a teen: Fangirl. They should make an Inside Out 2 with Fangirl. Haha! XD

Welp, I thought that I'd tell you guys my favourite quotes from Inside Out. :)

Fear: All right! We didn't die today! I call that an unqualified success.
After my ballet teacher gives us a really hard class. XD

Joy: Come on, group hug! You too, Anger.
Anger: Don't touch me.
This is sooooo me. XD

Anger: Congratulations San Francisco, you've ruined Pizza!

Sadness: Crying helps me slow down and obsess over the weight of life's problems.
Finally, someone gets me! XD

Anger: I say we lock ourselves in our room and use that one curse word we know. It's a good one!
I can't even. XD

Joy: Disgust, make sure Riley stands out today, but also blend in.
Disgust: When I'm through, Riley will look so good all the other kids will look at their own outfits and barf.
What has the emotion disgust got to do with fashion? Apparently everything.

Joy: *draws a circle on the floor* You've got to keep all your sadness in this circle.
Sadness: So ... I've just gotta stand here?
Joy: Isn't this fun?
Sadness: No.
Joy: 'Atta girl.
When I've got to babysit my sister. XD

Anger: Can I use that curse word now?

Sadness: It's long term memory! You'll get lost in there.
Joy: C'mon! Think positive!
Sadness: Okay, I'm positive that you'll get lost in there!
This is me when I'm in a bad mood and someone tells me to cheer up.

Fear: Maybe it was a bear?
Disgust: There are no bears in San Francisco.
Anger: I saw a really hairy guy, he looked like a bear.
Haha! XD

Fear: *watching Riley's dream* Let me guess, she forgot to put on her pants.
Girl: Look, the new girl has no pants on!
Fear: Called it!
It's funny - I've never had a predictable dream. My dreams are all over the place. I demand to speak to the script writers!

Bing-Bong: Take her to the moon for me, Joy.

Anger: I now have control of all the curse words!
Oh dear... XD

Disgust: *looks at the new console* What "puberty"?
Joy: Oh, it's probably not important.
Ehehe... o_o

Yerp, it was awesome. Did you guys watch it? What did you think? Also, what islands do you think you guys would have? Apart from all the normal islands like family, honesty, friendship, etc, I think I would have Fangirl Island, Lord of the Rings Island (yes, it gets its own island), Ballet Island, Writing Island, Movie Island ('cause I looove movie-making), Animal Island, Nature Island, Technology Island, and I'm just going to stop there because I could go on forever. XD

Okay, so I have an important question to ask you guys: for the 200th chapter I'm doing a trivia game for all the characters from my favourite fandoms, but I need two trivia topics to ask them questions about. What trivia topics do you guys think I should do?

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