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IT'S 2016!

*cue R2-D2 screaming gif*

I can't believe 2015 is over. It went WAY TOO QUICKLY. O_O

I hope you all have a lovely 2016. For those of you who only just survived 2015 and need a fresh start, now is your chance. You can change your life around: I believe in you. :) I'm always here if you need to talk.

And for those of you who are planning to fangirl a lot more this year, I'm with you. ;)

I just wanted to list a few of my favourite things that happened this year...
- My first comic-con with my friend Naomi and BilboRoth.
- Bringing Naomi to church (she loved it). :)
- Finding Star Wars Rebels fandom and protecting the blueberry (the blueberry is very smol and precious).
- Re-joining the Clone Wars fandom that I haven't been in for a very long time.
- "TRAITOR!" - TR8-R
- Hello and all the hilarious parodies that come with it. XD
- Embracing the Marvel and the Star Wars fandom.
- Joining the Hunger Games, Batman and the Pirates of the Caribbean fandom.
- Mockingjay Part 2, The Force Awakens, Age of Ultron, Ant-Man and other spectacular movies.
- Joining Tumblr.
- All my dance concerts.
- Meeting new friends.
- Re-establishing my relationship with God.
- Spending another year with you guys. :)
- And much more!

Now for my goals for 2016...
- Write an original novel.
- Stay physically and mentally healthy.
- Be a light for God in my school.
- Invite my friends to church.
- Meet up with my internet friends more often.
- Start writing The Last Nineteen.

How was 2015 for you guys? What are some of your New Year's resolutions? :)

I just want to let you know that each and every one of you are special and can accomplish anything. Dream big. <3

Have the very best New Year!

Love, Tarwa xx

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