A Tale Left Untold + Note

658 37 2

Ignore this chapter, it's boring. XD

Hey all!

I just wanted to ask if you guys are still interested in my story A Tale Left Untold. What do you think of it? It's not the best, I know, because it's pretty much a first draft. Once I've got quite a few chapters published, I'll go back and expand my description and dialogue where necessary. :)

I'm loving writing it. I just hope you guys like it! It would mean the world to me if you gave it a go. Thanks for your support everyone! You've made Wattpad a wonderful experience for me.

I'm going to the snow with my family for three days. We're always busy, so it'll be nice to have a holiday together. There's no WiFi, so I'll only be able to see you guys when I come home!

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