21 Reasons Why Merry and Pippin Are Hilarious

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  • Dedicated to the troublesome two

1. They're hobbits.

2. They're mischievous hobbits.

3. They were the first to run to war after Aragorn. And then got drowned out by full sized men.

4. Pippin's accent is hilarious.

5. They've got some of the best lines. "Tomatoes, sausages, nice crispy bacon." "Oh that's nice. Ash on my tomatoes!"

6. They remind us of Fíli and Kíli.

7. Their faces are jokes themselves.

8. They're crazy. And random. And weird.

9. They're a Brandybuck and a Took.

10. Pippin is rich but he's crazy. Merry doesn't have the Tooks' wealth but is responsible. Ka-doink.

11. They're cousins.

12. That act like brothers.

13. "Don't be hasty."

14. They're always competing against each other.

15. They tease each other.

16. A tree nearly ate them.

17. They are heartbroken when they have to leave one another.

18. They share their best South-farthing weed with each other, but not with the Ents. (Muahahaha soz Treebeard >=D)

19. They are both responsible and irresponsible.

20. They're adorable.

21. They're Merry and Pippin!

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