What PMS is Really Like

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That's all I'm going to say.

I bet every boy that was going to read this just shut down their computer and threw it out the window. XD

Okay, but seriously though, WHY?!

Ya know what, I'm not going to rant about it, I'm just going to let Meghan Rienks explain the rest in her YouTube video (in the media section).

This is one of my favourite YouTube videos. It's veeeeeery accurate.

And for any boys who are still reading this, I've got a message for you: don't ever judge a girl, especially when she's on her period. If she's in a bad mood, NEVER say: "Oooh! Is it that time of the month? Are you on your period?". She'll probably rip you apart, limb by limb, making it as gory as possible. In other words, she'll become an orc. XD But seriously, does it HAVE to be my period every time I'm in a bad mood?

What would you do if you were constantly bleeding in the most awkward way possible (especially with the discharge)? As Meghan Rienks puts it in her video: "Do you have to birth babies out of your vagina? Nooooo, sit down, you have no opinion." What would you do if your hormones felt like they were about to have a heart attack?

Well, hormones don't have hearts, but you get the idea. XD

And the cramps! Ohhhh, the cramps. They're definitely not like normal stomach cramps, they're a THOUSAND times worse. It literally feels like the Battle of Helm's Deep in your stomach.


Sorry about that, that was my period talking.

The worst part about MY period is that I'm a full-time dancer, so I'm dancing in a leotard all day! Let me tell you, periods and light blue leotards do NOT go well together. XD

And last year we had to wear white...


Wait, no, don't kill me! I want to watch Lord of the Rings!

*watches Lord of the Rings*

Okay, NOW you can kill me.

I apologise for this chapter, I'm just sick of it. I know that all girls can relate to that video I put in the media section! XD

Oh, wait, did I forget mention that this was a girls only chapter?

Whoops, my bad. XD

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