On the shores of Narukami

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"We're almost at shore. Should we call Lumine out?" Childe asked the little flying companion.

"I don't know, she's still sound asleep from steering us to Narukami all night long." Paimon replied.

"Yeah, she did run into a little trouble with the hiluchurl camp. Who would've thought they built stilted camps in the middle of the sea too?" Childe laughed. "Plus, I did tell her I could handle it too but she's a bit too stubborn."

"That's Lumine." Paimon agreed, nodding her head. "By the way, you actually suit that uniform."

"Of course I do. But I'm still not used to wearing it though." He said, resting his hand on where his mask used to be and then glancing at his now covered up abdomen.

"Uh-uh?" Paimon's eyebrows furrowed.

Childe then turned his attention to their destination and noticed something. "I see some samurais up shore." He said.

"What? This early in the morning?" Paimon asked, looking for the samurais in question.

"I'll take care of 'em and you go tell Lumine we're here. I don't qant her getting angry on us for not informing her." Childe said.

"Yeah, okay. Be careful." Paimon said before heading back to the teapot.

When she got in the teapot, she saw that Lumine was actually already up. She was preparing breakfast and she actually seemed lively instead of looking tired.

"Woah you're up early." Paimon commented.

"Good morning to you too." Lumine replied.

"You should go and call Ajax that breakfast is ready." Lumine said.

"Ajax? You mean Childe?" Paimon tilted her head a little bit to her right.

"Yes, Childe. I meant Childe." Lumine said, slightly blushing.

"Seriously how many names does that guy have?" Paimon's eyebrows furrowed. "Childe, Tartaglia and now Ajax?"

Lumine laughed. "A lot. He has a lot of names."

"Well Childe's out to shore battling some samurais. Paimon went here to tell you that we're at Narukami Island now." Paimon said.

"Oh. Already?" Lumine asked. "That was fast." She muttered to herself.

"Well you did insist to keep at it with the waverider. That's definitely going to get us to our destination faster." Paimon pointed out.

Lumine paused. "Yeah I guess you're right." She was visibly tired, but mostly she looked a bit disappointed.

"What's the matter? Do you still feel sleepy? Did you even get enough rest?" Paimon asked.

"Uh yeah, I didn't really get much sleep." Lumine said, her voice drifting away as she stared at the breakfast she prepared.

"Maybe you should go back to sleep." Paimon said.

"Wait, did you say Childe is already at shore?" Lumine asked, finally realizing what Paimon said earlier.

"Yeah, he's fighting some samurais and maybe kairagis on there." Paimon said.

"I should go help." Lumine quickly set down the plate and headed to the door.

Paimon's eyebrows furrowed. "Or you could stay here and go rest yourself. You're going to another mission and if you don't have proper rest you might end up in a bad condition." Paimon pulled her hand.

"Paimon will go to Childe and tell him you are still sleeping so stay put right here." Paimon said.


"No buts! Paimon's worried about you okay? Now go and rest." Paimon said, her hands on her hips.

"What if he goes?" Lumine muttered.

"What?" Paimon's eyebrows furrowed.

"Childe, what if he goes?" Lumine said out loud.

"Why would he go?" Paimon asked.

"Cause I still haven't given him an answer. What if he got impatient and took this opportunity to just go back to whatever his Fatui business was here. What then?" Lumine said, frustrated.

She really didn't get sleep. She took a nap, to be more precise. It wasn't even an hour long since the moment she heard birds chirping she instantly got up.

She wanted to tell him right away. Stay.

Before they even reach the shore, she wanted to say it. She wanted to say it to make her feel more assured that he'd actually still be there.

Paimon looked at her, expression softened. "You really care about him huh?" Paimon asked. "It's okay, Paimon gets it. Paimon will tell him. But for now, rest okay?"

Lumine looked at Paimon for a moment.



"Good morning princess." A huge grin greeted her as she woke up.

"What time is it?" Lumine asked as she stretched her arms.

"Way past lunch. I figured you'd be starving by now so I brought you this." Childe said, lifting the tray of food that was resting on the bedside table.

"Oh, thank you." Lumine replied as she recieved the tray. "Wait, actually I think it'll be easier if I eat on the table though." She added.

She was ready to get out of bed until she realized something. "Wait, Ajax?" She turned to the red head with her.

He hummed in response.

"How long have you been here?" Lumine asked.

"Long enough." Childe replied. "I went here after Paimon and I ate lunch. She told me to check up on you."

Lumine's eyebrows furrowed. "She did?" She muttered. Then she remembered what happened earlier and how she desperately wanted to see Childe after knowing he was at shore. Her cheeks started to turn red.

"Yeah, I guess I'll just go and tell Paimon you're up. Enjoy your meal." Childe said, heading to the door.

He stopped when his hand reached for the door knob. "Oh and for the record, running away was never in my plan. I fully intended to go back and wait for your answer."


"I've been expecting you." The chief priestess greeted. The traveler bowed before her, greeting her a good afternoon.

"I heard news about you helping out the rebels. I was quite concerned why you suddenly disappeared from Inazuma." Yae Miko said.

"I'm sorry, I took a step back for a moment before I made a rash decision." Lumine explained.

Yae hummed. "So I heard." She said.

"I commend you for that. I was worried that I would need to drag you out of trouble back there." She said. "But who would've thought fate will lead you back here?"

Lumine turned to Paimon who shared the same confused look.

"Had you gone to face the Fatui by yourself back then, you would've met a certain harbinger. But I'm glad you didn't have to." Yae Miko began to walk her way to the Sacred Sakura Tree. Lumine and Paimon followed her.

"A harbinger?" Paimon turned to Lumine and gave her a concerned look.

"Yes. The Balladeer." Yae turned to face the two. "But enough about him. Since you're here I'd like to personally ask you to do something for me."

"A commission?" Paimon asked.

"Something of that sorts, yes." Yae nodded, her chin resting on the back of her hand slightly. "You've been in the Plane of Euthymia right?"

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