Rustles from afar

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"A new drink?" Lumine asked.

"It's a new blend that they are serving just for this occasion! People over there are lining up for it!" Paimon pointed towards the drink stall. There was, indeed, quite a long line.

"Do you want to try it?" Lumine turned to Childe, who was already eyeing the stall.

"Sure." He shrugged.

"Three it is then." Lumine said. "I'll go wait in line." She said.

"Okay!" Paimon said, waving at her as she walked to the line.

Paimon the turned to Childe. "There is so much more people out here at the second day." She commented.

"Yeah, I expected that there'll be less since the opening was yesterday." Childe agreed.

"More people from other nations are just arriving today, maybe that's why." Paimon said.

Childe shrugged. "Maybe." He said. "Are you guys going to hang out with your friends today?"

"I think Xingqiu is pretty busy today so we probably won't bother him for the time being." Paimon said. "We might run into Kazuha and Venti here though."

"I see." Childe nodded.

"Why? Were you planning on going on another date?" Paimon raised an eyebrow with a cheeky smile.

Childe laughed. "That would be lovely but as much as I want Lumine to myself, I know she has a life outside of me." He said.

"Then what are your agendas for today?" Paimon looked at him confused.

"Don't look at me like I have no life outside of Lumine." Childe furrowed his eyebrows, looking a little offended.

"I was going to keep a lookout for someone. I can't risk him being in this area since that guy's dangerous." Childe said.

"Oooh, the balladeer." Paimon said, finally realizing who the agenda was. "But isn't he only a threat to you because he's after-"

"No." Childe denied.

Paimon laughed. "Okay Mr.I-have-a-life-outside-Lumine."

Childe looked away.

Paimon raised an eyebrow, her cheeky smile not leaving her face. "Is this what a flushed Ajax looks?" She teased. "I'm a little surprised. Paimon always sees you openly flirting with Lumine but here you are blushing like crazy."

"I'm not blushing. Plus, Lumine's not here so there's no reason for me to be flirty." Childe said.

"Uh-uh. But aren't you the type to brag about your relationship though?" Paimon crossed her arms.

Childe was about to oppose until he recalled of the time that he did occasionally brag about it. "I- yeah, you... yeah." He reluctantly agreed.

"See, so why deny now?" Paimon asked.

"I'm not denying. Sure part of it is because of Lumine but The Fatui is no joke to go up against. Specially a sneaky little brat like him." Childe explained. "It's my form of precaution if you will."

"Precaution for what?" Lumine butted in the conversation, holding two glasses of the special drink. One glass being larger than the other.

"Paimon's taking this one." Paimon grabbed the smaller glass.

"I guess we're sharing." Lumine shrugged.

"Is it just me or is this color a little darker than the one Paimon has?" Childe asked as he watched the two take a sip from their respective drinks.

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