Fickle Cloudstrike

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Childe successfully made it in time before everyone was stuffed. Thanks to Lumine's advertisement, his dish was a success to the guests.

Though she didn't really talk anyone into eating it, except for Ayaka, they noticed it was the only dish she ate a lot of, which of course peaked their interest.

After the feast everyone left satisfied and with a full stomach. Of course since Childe still had business with the Inazuman soldiers he was training, they were insisted to stay in the Kamisato Estate for longer.

Childe, of course, agreed since he thought it would be best for Lumine for the time being. At least there she'd have someone monitor her.

"You know, we still technically sleep somewhere else even without going anywhere." Lumine said.

"What?" Childe raised an eyebrow. They were in Lumine's designated room, listening to Paimon who was keeping Lumine up to date. She didn't know that Ayaka already did that but she didn't really want to interrupt.

"Since I caught a glimpse of what you guys did to the teapot, I'm kinda curious if you also added some furniture inside." Lumine said.

"Well, we didn't add much." Paimon said. "Just a couple of cabinets to Childe's room I guess." She added.

"Well, I did need somewhere to keep the clothes Ayato and Thoma kept giving me." Childe shrugged.

"Well look at you Mr. I'm Now an Inazuman Soldier." Lumine teased.

"What? They're comfortable." Childe said. "Still not as comfortable as my old clothes back at Snezchnaya but given the climate here, it's more appropriate."

"Yeah I'm not sure wearing thick clothes here would be as comfortable." Lumine laughed.

"Anyway, I don't think they'll mind if we sleep in our teapot." Lumine changed the subject.

"Yeah, they probably won't. I did go back and forth there before. Futons weren't as comfortable as regular beds." Childe shrugged.

"So that's why they put a bed on your room." Paimon crossed her arm and gave him a smug look.

"Hey, I insisted to just sleep in the teapot. They were the one that put the bed there." Childe defended himself.

"Well, maybe I should inform someone first before all three of us disappear in the teapot and freak them out." Lumine said.

"No need, Paimon will stay here and guard the teapot." Paimon volunteered.

"Are you sure?" Lumine asked.

"Yeah. Besides, this room also has a bed. And this bed is bigger that Paimon's." Paimon insisted.

"Alright, if you say so." Lumine said.


Once they arrived in the teapot, the two went on their separate ways to their respective rooms.

Even though Lumine was the one that insisted it, she somehow felt uneasy. She was unable to sleep at all.

"How long was I really out?" She asked herself.

She did hear a couple of times what happened when she was out, but they never really told her how long the span was when all of that happened. It bothered her a lot.

She looked around her room, trying to distract herself. She then noticed a box that wasn't there before. She stood up from her bed and went to the table that had the box on.

The moment she opened it, she was greeted by a couple of folded papers, letters. Along with a bunch of trinkets.

"Dear Lumine,

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