Teapot to Call Home

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A warm, tight embrace, that's what the traveler woke up to. She shifted her body to face the person holding her, arms snaking around his waist. She felt herself being pulled closer.

"Good morning Ajax." She said. He hummed in response, hand resting on her head, almost giving her a head pat.

"5 more minutes." He said, hugging her a little tighter.

Lumine looked up to see his eyes still closed. She let out a small laugh. "Alright, 5 minutes." She said, snuggling closer to his arms.

Little did she know, the person asking for an extra 5 minutes of sleep has been awake for a lot longer than she has been. But he just wanted to stay that way for a little longer. A lot longer. If anything he wanted to stay that way forever if it was possible.

But that's him being a little unreasonable. Childe told himself that he'd get up once Lumine wakes up but he just found himself asking for a little more time. 

Granted there was a lot going on in his mind at the moment. Her presence is the only thing keeping him from getting eaten by the negative thoughts that is going in his mind. What he heard from the previous day really weighed on him a lot. 

"She doesn't have it. The gnosis."  It rang on his head. "But she is worth one."

What did he mean by that?

"You better watch out, that information is something not only I know."

Watch out for what? I just got her back, I'm still only processing what is happening. Isn't this supposed to be the period when I get to actually enjoy life?

"5 minutes is up, come on we have to go to Ritou." Lumine said, pulling away from Childe and interrupting his train of thought.

"Do we have to?" He groaned. 

Lumine sat up. "Yes we have to. I told Ayaka we'll be helping out on the preparation for the Irodori Festival. It's starting tomorrow."

Childe looked at her and sighed. "Fine. I'm up, I'm up." He said as he also sat up. 

"But first, can I have my good morning kiss?" He leaned in towards her with a sly smile.

"On second thought, just keep sleeping." Lumine stood up.

Childe laughed. "I'm kidding." He followed. He then gave her a hug from behind instead. "I'll gladly settle for this though." He said.

Lumine rolled her eyes and turned to face him. "You're being extra clingy today mister." She said with a raised eyebrow.

"Am I?" Childe asked sheepishly. "I can't help it, I just want to be with you all the time."

Another eyeroll from Lumine. "That's not physically possible." She pointed out, her arms making its way around Childe too. Her hands rested on his waist, then up to his neck.

"You never know if you don't try." Childe said, face slowly getting closer to Lumine's, partly because their height difference makes it hard for him not to slouch with Lumine's hands on his nape.

"Try what?" Lumine asked.

"Staying like this perhaps? Of maybe-"

"Lumine! I- OOps. I didn't mean to interrupt." Ayaka turned away from the two, blushing red as a tomato. "I'll be right back." She sprinted her way back downstairs.

From a distance they can hear Paimon's voice, asking Ayaka if she saw the two or not. Blood slowly rushed to Lumine's face as she realized what just happened.

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