Chapter 6

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Quira »»

* Kyler *

Realizing what I had did the night before when I woke up the next morning had me confused . Part of me was saying that I was nasty , triflin , weak , and just a terrible person for letting him hit after he lost his privilege a long time ago . The other part was telling me to enjoy it , you just got some bomb ass dick , you're single so have fun . I knew my heart wanted Chris . But my pride was still telling me to shut him out and not trust him . Besides , he called off the wedding with Mina over me . What's stopping him from doing the same thing to me over another girl ? Exactly , nothing .

The fact that he wasn't even here added to my anger . Did this nigga think this was a one night stand or some shit . I rolled my eyes and hopped in the shower and little sore . He made me feel like a virgin last night . The angles he had my birt in was crazy .

Bitch , shut the fuck up , this nigga fucked you and left and you over here still fantasizing about it . I shook the thoughts out of my head and just decided not to think about it all anymore since I'm having an internal battle .

I stepped out the shower , dried off and put on some leggings and a t-shirt . I heard knocking come from the door . It seems as though there's always someone showing up at my doorstep .

I opened the door and it revealed Quira and KJ . Instead of her usual long blue , red , or orange weave , it was her natural shoulder length black hair . Instead of wearing bright ass blue or yellow lipstick , she just stuck with a light shade of pink lip gloss . Instead of having on some tight ass shorts and a beaker , she had on a cute black shirt with joggers and Jordan's . She looked way better .

I smiled at her " You look much better "

" Thank you Miss Waters - "

" Well when you're acting decent just call me Mama Ky " I said .

She smiled and then continued talking " I was wondering if I could speak to Kameron really quick " She said .

* Kameron *

" Whaaat ? " I groaned as my mom was shaking me . Man , it's spring break , I'm tryna sleep in .

" Come downstairs now . Quira wants to talk to you " She said before walking off letting me know this wasn't up for discussion .

I groaned and got up . I really don't want to deal with her ghetto ass this early in the morning but she had my son so it could be about him .

When I opened the door wider , I revealed a cleaner , more decent looking Quira . It took me by surprise . But shit , at least it was a good surprise .

" Wassup " I asked rubbing my eyes . A cold air rushed through the door making me notice that I was shirtless .

" Well , I have to go to a job interview and I need you to watch KJ but I wanted to give you something " She pulled out a white envelope and passed it to me.

" What's this ? " I asked . She ignored me and decided to let me see for myself .

It was a big ass stack of cash " It's all the money you gave me that I didn't use towards little Kam " She said answering my question .

" Naah , I can't take this . Keep it " I said .

" Please . I wouldn't be comfortable if you didn't take it " She said pushing my hand .

" Naah seriously . Take this as an opportunity to use this on KJ the right way " I said squinting my eyes at the sun that just started peeking out from behind the fog .

" Thanks " She said before accpeting the money back .

She handed him over to me then gave me his baby bag and left . I liked what she did with herself but I still don't trust her that much .

Autumn Leaves : Book 4 ( Chris Brown )Where stories live. Discover now