Chapter 12

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* Cairo *

" Bruh you see shawty right there ? " I asked . Carter was about 2-3 years older than me .

He followed my finger and nodded " I hit that every night " I grinned .

He sucked his teeth . " Man you lying "

" Man no I'm not . Don't hate cause you gets no play " I joked .

" Wait , ain't that Kameron's girl and King's too ? " He asked .

I followed his finger too " Aww . Shit let's holla " He said standing up .

It was obvious by now that me and Carter ain't like Kam and King like that . We don't fuck with them . Our parents may fuck with each other heavy but we don't at all . But I did hear that my dad fucked their dad's old girl Yvette and got her pregnant . Yvette raises her now but she ain't nowhere to be found .

Although Honey ain't my real mama , I respect her more than I respect my own mother so I'll keep that detail to myself . Cause ain't no telling if Chris start feeling salty that his homeboy fucked his girl .

" Wassup Tiana ? " I said throwing my arm around her .

* Tiana *

I rolled my eyes as Ellie chuckled . This boy was literally obsessed with me and he's like 3 years older than me .

" Hello Cairo " I said pushing his arm off me .

" Relax , I just want to introduce you to my brother Carter . This Honey and my dad's son " He Explained .

I gave him a warm smile . I wasn't tryna start shit but then again my nigga don't fuck with them so I don't fuck with them .

" What y'all up to ? " He asked .

" Being taken " Ellie said pulling me away but Cairo caught my wrist .

" Ellie go somewhere don't nobody fuck with you over here . Hoe ass " He mumbled the end catching us both off guard .

" Hoe ? "

" Yeah hoe ! You can't even realize your so called nigga don't give a fuck about you nor does he stay faithful df " He chuckled and Carter made sound effects .

I mugged him . I knew that was a sensitive subject for her . I love King like a little brother but he a dog and he don't know how to treat females . I've pressured her to leave him for a whole year now but she won't listen and she'd just start getting mad so I stopped bringing up the subject .

" Fuck you . You can't even last more than 3 minutes in bed little dick ass nigga " She blurted catching me and Carter both of guard .

She stormed away before anyone could question her . Cairo's brown skinned face was a bright red as he stood there with his jaw clenched .

I shook my head and walked off in the direction of the car hoping Ellie was already waiting for me . And she was , leaning on my car red as fuck too .

I unlocked the car and she got in and so did I . But I refused to start the car so I locked the doors " What the fuck happened back there ? " I asked .

" You ain't even have my back like you supposed to " She said .

" Have your back ? I couldn't even say anything cause you walked off so quickly " I said back .

" Bet you ain't say shit after I left either " She said .

" Look , I'll defend you until the end of time but I'm not getting involved in your bullshit Ellie . I gotta fix my relationship before iWork on someone else's " I explained .

She just sighed " So it's true that you fucked Cairo ? " I asked .

She nodded " While dating King ? " I asked .

She nodded and I didn't really have any words for her . She was being very hypocritical . I just dropped her and her bags off at home and sat in the car in her driveway calling Kam .

" What you want Tiana ? " He asked .

" What do I want ? I've been calling and texting you all day .What's wrong ? " I asked .

" Just a lot of shit with my family " He sighed .

" Well where are you now ? " I asked . I wanted to cuddle with my baby and make him feel better .

" I'm at Quira's house " He responded .

" Excuse me . Who's ? " I don't think I heard him correctly .

" It ain't like that Tiana - "

" Okay " I said and hung up .

Come , I'll just visit one of my nigga's house .

* Chris *

I wanna know what the fuck Kyler told my children . What lies she was filling them up with cause right now I'm mad as fuck . I walked into the house

" Kyler ! " I yelled .

I heard footsteps then shortly after , Kyler appeared in front of me .

" What the fuck did you tell my kids ? " I asked .

" What ? Why ? " She asked plying dumb .

" Kam came over calling me out my name and shit like he was about to swing or some crazy shit like that . it wasn't your place to just break it to them like that without my presence or consent . Not only did you just break it to him like it wasn't a big deal , you only broke half of it to them making yourself look innocent . Did you tell them about the fake pregnant and that whole set up and shit . I bet not. Before you tell my kids some bullshit . Give me a heads up " i snapped not really caring about her feelings . I began to walk back out .

" Wait Chris . I need you to hold me " She said breaking down crying .

" Naah fam . You need a divorce remember ? " I said coldly before slamming the door .

I was sick of playing love tag with her . When I'm not mad , she's mad and when she's not mad I'm mad and when I finally get over my anger Kyler's either gets mad that I'm mad or finds a way on purpose to get mad . I'm sick of that shit . She wanted war a long time ago . I begged for her not to leave me . Now that I'm finally giving her wha she wants it's problem .

Victims don't beg for the criminal right ?

* Kyler *

I'm tired of crying to be honest . We both did each other wrong . We both continuously do this to each other . There's no coming back from this though . At least I don't think so . I don't think we'll get over this . I don't think there's gonna be a make up . I think this was the last straw .

I definitely see divorce papers in our future .

Definitely .


AWWW !!! They're so in love yet they can't stand each other .

I personally don't think they're healthy for each other . I think moving on and staying in touch for the kids are the best.

But as the author , leave feedback so I can know how to do the outcome of all this .

Autumn Leaves : Book 4 ( Chris Brown )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora