Chapter 45

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* Kyler *

" Alright . Here we go " Kyla said sitting next to me watching the interview .

It'd been a week since Chris had given me the news and Honey took the live interview . Now whatever she has to say is all up to her . I just hope she got the message .

* Honey *

" So let's begin by introducing yourself " Iyanla said .

" Hello everyone I'm Honey Sal " I said waving to the audience and cameras . I had never really been live on tv .

" And what are you here to talk about ? " She asked .

" My current situation " I said .

" Elaborate " Iyanla said crossing her legs .

" Well basically I love my bestfriend's ex-husband . Many of you know that me and Kyler or how y'all may know her as Killa Ky are bestfriends . We've been ace boone coon since we were 17 . We know everything about each other . To be honest we were closer than she was with her own sister and same for me "

" Now by ex-husband you mean THE Chris Brown ? " She asked .

" Yes " I heard the crowd mumble

" To our understanding , Chris and Kyler have been on and off for years . In and out of marriage . I mean , he's the father to their 5 kids together " Iyanla said .

" But see a lot of people don't know that their marriage was destined for failure a long time ago . Everyone knows that Chris and Nia Guzman have a beautiful daughter together named Royalty . But no one really knows that he has 3 other baby mothers " I explained .

Once again you could heard gasps and murmurs flooding the audience .

" 3 baby mothers !? So how many kids does that equal in total ? "

" 9 kids " I replied .

" Lord Jesus " She laughed making the crowd laugh too .

" But the thing is not only does he have other baby mamas . 3 of them were during him and Kyler's relationship . And one of them are Kyler's family members " I spilled .

" Oh my god " Iynala gasped .

" So yeah Kyler and Chris' kids are the cousins AND half-sisters / half-brothers of Bee and Chris' kid . Weird family tree , I know " I chuckled .

" So you knew she was going through all of this ? " She asked .

" Yes , I was the main one helping her through all of her problems " I nodded .

" So knowing that's she's been through all of shit . Having a front row seat to her pain , and you still decide to take her man from her ? " She said . The audience began clapping .

" Yes , because part of me felt like I was doing her a favor . This woman was dragged through the mud by this man . From hell to deeper hell . I was watching my bestfriend suffer . I was only trying to separate them " I explained .

" So you tried separating them by taking him from her and making her suffer more . Because I'm pretty sure , you just made her life worse " Iyanla said .

There was silence . I felt so stupid . I had never been so blind in my life .

" And with that , we're gonna go on commercial break " Iyanla said smiling at the camera

* Kyler *

" This bitch is really asking to get her neck snapped " I said punching the wall . " Who the hell does she think she is ? "

Autumn Leaves : Book 4 ( Chris Brown )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora