Chapter 48

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Very very emotional chapter

* Kyla *

" Meet me downstairs right now " I said to Honey and Chris then walked out their room .

" What's going on ? " Chris asked as they walked down the stairs with me .

" Nothing . I just really want to show you something important " I said putting on some slides .

" Kyler , we'll be back later " I shouted and stared into her eyes from the bottom of the steps and she nodded .

They followed me out the door and got into my car . I'm surprised they haven't bombard me with hella questions yet .

* Kyler *

I rushed to get all their suitcases together even though I had all of them packed .

" Mom , please explain to me what we're doing " Yana said .

" Just know that I'm keeping my promise . Whatever happens , or however things turn out , just know that I'll never break our promise " I said hooking pinkys with her .
" Now please help me get the twins ready " I said .

" Does Kam and King know about this ? " She asked .

" They're out to sea and can't get off but they know everything and understand my decisions " I said packing last minute things .

" So why can't I know everything ? "

" Because you're still a kid to me . You don't need to know grown folk's business . And I don't want you to hate your dad , ever . Even though we're moving away from him , I never want you to dislike him . Love him as much as you love me " I explained .

" Okay " She sighed .

" Let's make a deal . I'll keep your promise if you keep mine . Promise not to love your dad any less for anything that he's done to me or caused me to . Judge him on what he does to you not to me " I said holding my pinky out .

" I promise " she smiled .

" Are you ready ? " I asked . She nodded
" Look around the house for anything that you want " I told her while I did the same thing .

It was sad . It was heartbreaking . I've lived in this house for almost 25 years now . And not only have I grown to love this house . But I've had tons of memories in this house . Good and bad .

This house witnessed so much emotions and events . This house will always have my heart : 9160 OceanPark Avenue . One of the many things I will always remember for the rest of my life .

I decided to leave the letter I wrote Chris on his nightstand . It read :

Dear The Love of My Life ,
Words can't explain how much I love you . Words can't explain how much I hate you . Words can't explain how much pain you've put me through . As much as I don't want to admit it , I know I'll never find anyone like you again . I could probably find someone that would treat me better than you . But that man will never be you . He will never be you . He will never have as big of an impact on me like you have . He will never be my first love . He will never be the love of my life . You've done me so wrong yet I still speak so highly of you . I fell deeply , madly in love with you . I've never loved anyone so hard in my life . I loved you more than most of my family . Not only did I love you to the best of my ability , but I also held you down . Never cheated on you , never betrayed you . I've always rode for you through thick and thin . What kind of woman gives you advice on your relationship with another woman while still in love with you ? I pushed my personal desires and feelings aside for you . I put you before me . I loved you more than I loved my own damn self . Yet , you cheat on me . Yet , you get 5 other women pregnant . All while
" committed " to me . Yet , I loved all of those children like they were my very own . Chris , I've done nothing but love you and cherish . If relationship aren't for you , you should've told me that before I fell in love with you . Anyways , the best thing for me right now , and our children , is to remove ourselves away from the stress . To remove ourselves away from the bullshit . And if you're causing the stress , if you are the bullshit , then I guess we must move away from you . I wish you the best wishes . R.I.P. Chryler

                    - Yours truly ,
                                         Kyler Waters

I remember my hand twitching as I wrote Kyler Water instead of Brown . But this is what I had to do . This is what I have to do for me and my children .

* Keyana *

I'm only 14 . It was devastating knowing that my parents were going through such a situation . And it frustrated me because there was nothing I could do to help because I was left in the dark . It was difficult . I felt a lot of pressure on me .

I'll always be a daddy's girl but he's beefin doing so wrong . And the last thing I want to do is choose sides but I feel like my mom is just snatching me away from my dad because things are too much for her right now . I didn't even get to say a proper goodbye .

A tear slipped down my cheek as I placed a picture of me and my dad on his nightstand . On the back I wrote : Don't forget about me daddy . I'll love you forever

I was on the verge of bawling because I felt my lip quivering . This was the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life .

I looked in his nightstand and took his Breezy necklace . I kissed it and clutched it in my hand .

" You ready ? " Kyler asked with puffy eyes .

I nodded slowly . As I took my final steps out the house , I could feel a part of my soul die .

Ain't no telling when I've hear my father's again . Ain't no telling when I'd even see my own father again .

* Kyler *

We had to wait 30 minutes in the airport before we boarded . My nose was puffy and I had a throbbing headache from all the crying .

" We gon be alright Yana " I said comforting her as she cried . Who else wouldn't cry . I don't know when I'm gonna see or hear from him again either .

I saw Kyla pushing past people in the crowd , from a distance . I stood up and embraced her in the tightest hug .

" Thank you so much . For everything . Absolutely everything " I sniffed .

" No problem . I got all of you guys something " Kyla said pulling out 4 pieces of jewelry from her pocket .

She handed me one and winked . The bracelets for the kids said Chris with a heart then their individual names .

But instead , Kyla had bought me a necklace that said Chryler in gold letters .

I smiled and put it on with no hesitation . There was no point in trying to deny my love for him . I will always be in love with him , but we just can't ever be together . And that's just how fate works for us .

" Where's Chris and Honey now ? " I asked .

" At the house probably freaking out "

* Chris *

I continuously used my shirt to wipe the wetness of my face as I came to terms that I had really lost my family .

I hadn't cried this hard in forever . And it seemed like I couldn't stop . I just wanted to apologize . Apologize about everything for the rest of my life . My fucked up life .

And it angered me that I couldn't control myself . I never thought Kyler would really up and leave me for good . Cause she's gone .

Ain't no tellin when she's coming back .


When I tell y'all I cried writing this , I bawled .

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