Chapter 47

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Sorry , I didn't mean to publish it without finishing it .

- Gabby

* Honey *

I hadn't been more shocked or more confused that I've ever been in my life . I honestly don't know what to think . Or how to react . I knew the little nanometer of chance I had left of getting in good terms with Kyler were done . And I mean completely done .

I stared at the big black + sign . I was almost 40 and pregnant again .

By a man I wasn't married to ....... again . And I couldn't help but be disappointed in the both of us for making this child .

I set the test down and heard knocks on the door . " Are you committing suicide in there ? You been in there for the longest " Kyla said jiggling the handle .

I opened the door and pulled her inside . I handed her the test and she gasped .

" I know I know . This never should have happened " I said .

Before I knew it , she punched square in the nose . I held it as it started bleeding .

" You dirty ass bitch " Kyla said before leading me there with a bloody nose .

I cleaned myself up and walked out the bathroom . I knew it wouldn't be too long until I felt Kyler's wrath because I knew she'd find out . But I wanted Chris to hear it from me first rather than through a fight .

I found Chris in our room and I sat next to him with the test in hand .

I showed it to him with no words . Because there was nothing I could really say .

He shrugged .

" What do you mean ? " I said sitting in front of him .

" I mean , obviously you're gonna abort it right " He said .

" Hell no . Chris , I've already had an abortion . I'm not going through that again " I explained . He sat his phone down and sat up as well .

" You really thinking about keeping this baby ? " Chris looked at me in disbelief .

" Of course . We're together right " I said .

" Right . But I already have 9 kids . A 10th one isn't exactly a blessing " He sighed .
" Does Kyler know ? " He asked .

" I don't think so . But Kyla knows so she might've told Kyler " I shrugged .

" Do you realize how much more shit we've caused ? " He asks .

" Of course I know . But at least we have each other " I held his hand .

He snatched it away and got up and locked himself in the bathroom . I laid back in my bed and sighed . The last thing I needed was Chris to leave my side too .

Life was totally flipped upside down right now . And it was nobody's fault but mine .

* Kyler *

I smiled at my only happiness , my twins . Of course my other kids too . But these giggly babies brightened up my day anyway . Ever since Yana broke down , I've been trying my best to pay more attention to her .

Yana came down the stairs " Come sit next to your mom " I smiled patting the seat next to me .

She obeyed and I wrapped my arm around her . " You doing okay ? At least doing better ? " I asked .

" Better . But mommy can you promise me one thing ? " She asked .

" Of course . Anything for my world " I smiled waiting for her to say it .

" Never argue with dad again . I'm mature and I understand y'all aren't going to be together anymore but at least for my sake , please just get along . At least when I'm around " She spoke .

" Promise " I said hooking pinkys with her .

Just then , Kyla stormed in the living room with us " Kyler , there's something I need to tell you right now " She said .

" Ummm . Keyana can you watch the twins for me ? " I asked standing up .

" Yes . Don't remember what we promised " She said and I winked at her before leaving the room with Honey .

We went all the way downstairs to the 1st floor to talk " What's so important Kyla ? " I asked .

" That bitch has a death wish . I swear she does " Kyla said shaking her head .

" Is this about Honey ? " I asked and she nodded . " See , I don't have time for this . I can't be wasting my time on that lil girl " I said about to walk out but Kyla blocked me .

" No Kyler , you're really gonna want to know this " She said .

" Alright , just tell me already " I said getting impatient .

" She's pregnant . Like child in belly pregnant . All the way pregnant " She said .

" Fuck you mean ? How you know ? "

" She just showed me the test like 10 minutes ago . And I was hesitant about telling you because of everything happening with Yana but I just couldn't keep this from you " Kyla said .

" Kyla you do not know how much I want to snap . You don't know how bad I wanna turn this house upside down " I said as a painful tear slid down my cheek .

" Just stay calm . Stay calm for Keyana and your kids . They're the most important thing out of all " she said rubbing my shoulders .

I took a deep breath " You're right "

" So what are you gonna do ? " She asked .

" I'm going to leave . I'm packing my stuff , my kids , my business and just fucking leaving without anyone knowing " I said .

" Where are you gonna go ? " Kyla asked .

" Back to Florida . Fuck all this shit . I'm completely done . I should've never came to Virginia " I said .

" Well wait , we need a plan cause if Chris sees you packing , he's gonna stop you "

" Right . Just take them somewhere tomorrow night . Ignore their questions . Just tell them it's a surprise . Come up with a plan . You're smart " I said and walked out .

I was devastated . Not only was Chris having another child by another woman other than me , but with my ex-bestfriend . Did they not know I was internally hurting ?

Emotionally hurting ?

Mentally hurting ?

Did they not notice or do they just not give a fuck ?

Well guess who's not about to give a fuck today . I scheduled a flight to Florida tomorrow night . And went to sleep excited my new life .

Back at square 1 . Back to the drawing board . Back to my hometown . Back to my 17 year old memories . I was excited . Only excited . I was going back to where I belong .

I belong there because that's where I was born .

I belong there because that's where my heart is .

I belong there cause I was raised there .

I belong there because that was the only place I could find happiness .

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