Chapter 25

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* Kyler *

I was livid . More than livid actually . I was sad and disappointed . I shook my leg up and down as I waited for Honey to come over .

Honey called me about an hour ago saying that she met up with her momma week ago and admitted to being gay and Honey didn't accept it all . Before I could continue my mental rant , Honey walked in with a key I gave her .

" Are you out of your fucking mind !? " I stood up and got in her face .

" What the fuck you talking about ? " She said matching her tone with mines .

" How the fuck you gonna brush of your own fucking daughter like that . Who gives a fuck who she marries , she's in love and she's happy . Who the fuck are you to say she's wrong !? "

" Who the fuck are you to be in my family's business !? " She snapped back .

" We already established that your family is my family and my family is your family . You know damn well I treat your kids like my own and you vice versa don't sit here and act brand new "

" You don't get it at all Kyler . At all . You don't understand the conditions of being gay . You terminate the family line " Honey said .

" You know what gets me though ? Just a few years back , you were gay . Yiu remember that ? Sleeping with Vivian and everything . So no , I don't understand but if anything you should " I said which shut her up .

" I have to go to work " Honey said then left .

" Mom , is everything okay ? " Yana came down the stairs behind King .

" Everything's good . It's about to be summer so I hope y'all grades up to par . Especially you King . You're about to be a senior , this year counts the most " I said to him .

The doorbell rang and I groaned " Motherfuckers always showing up unexpectedly " I rolled my eyes and answered to Iggy . Her ass has been M.I.A for a whole year .

" Damn Iggy , where you been ? " I asked letting her in .

" Hey Auntie Iggy " Yana said while King was too busy in his phone .

" I went to Australia to visit my family and I took Keeis and Kayleigh with me " She said sounding sad .

" By the sound and looks of it , it doesn't sound like it was nice trip " I said sitting in the couch next to her snd telling the kids to go on about they business .

" Well things aren't great at all . My mother has breast cancer and Australia isn't all that wealthy so they don't have the money for the treatment snd she refuses to come to America cause she said she was born in this country so she will die in the country . My dad is having an affair with another woman and my mom just doesn't care which isn't setting a good example for Emerald . And Emerald , she ... she " Iggy explained . I could tell she was about to break down .

" Wait , I thought Emerald was engaged to Carter with daughter Jewel . Isn't she 14 now ? " I asked .

" Emerald left Carter and Jewel and went to Australia to do ' business ' , she's a sister wife now " Iggy said finally letting all the tears fall .

I had to think about what a sister wife was . A sister wife is a woman who shares her husband with multiple different females .

" So what happened to Jewel ? " I asked .

" Carter gave up Emerald for adoption " She said wiping her tears .

" Iggy this isn't your fault . You weren't Emerald's parents . It wasn't your job to raise her " I said rubbing her back .

Autumn Leaves : Book 4 ( Chris Brown )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora