Chapter 41

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* Kyler *

To be honest , I've been trying to tell Chris these past couple of days . But he's almost always out . Sometimes I feel like he already knows and is just avoiding me .

But tonight was the night I would tell him . I don't care if his mother is dying . I'm telling him one way or another .

I sighed hearing him walk in . I haven't even really asked him where he's been these past couple of days . Although it kinda bothered me , I had no right to question him as of right now .

" Chris " I called him .

" Wassup ? " He said walking in the room .

" I have to tell you something . It's been bothering me for a couple days . I just found this out only a few days ago " I said .

" Just tell me " He said sitting next to me .

" Umm . Kameron isn't yours . He's Trey's " I said it pretty blunt because if I would've dragged it out or stuttered then I would've chickened out .

" What ? This is a joke right ? Because I already got a DNA test done in him when he was 2 " Chris said .

I remembered that he did . " Well that DNA test wasn't right " I said .

" How do you know ? How you know this one isn't right ? " He asked .

" Chris they ran the test 3 different times using 3 different methods " I explained .

My heart broke when I saw a test slip down his cheek . And at the point I wish this whole conversation never even existed because I was not ready to see that . But I also could not keep that from him considering the fact that I love him with everything in me and even more .

" You dirty bitch " He mumbled .

" What ? " I said .

" I said you a dirty bitch " He said standing up . " You tell me that this nigga ain't even my kid after 21 whole fucking years . I raised him like he's mine " He snapped .

" He is yours ! Just not biologically . And you watch your fucking mouth about how you speak to me " I said more angry than sad by now .

" I guess I can't talk cause I'm fucking your best friend " He chuckled .

" What ? "

" I'm fucking Honey . We been ducking around for like a week now " He smiled licking his lips . " I might just put a ring on it "

Words couldn't explain what I'm feeling . I felt my face getting hot and so were my hands .

" Nigga have you lost your fucking mind ? " I said reaching in my sock drawer for my knife .

" I have never in my life done you that dirty . When me and Trey conceived Kam , me and you weren't even together . I've never done you that dirty " I said stalking towards him .

" You better put that shit down " He said backing up .

" Or what ? What the fuck else can you do to me ? You've cheated on me multiple times , you've hit me . Ain't shit else in this world you can do to me " I said inches away from him .

" Yo crazy ass need to chill out " He said .

" Chill out ? You ain't even fucking seen crazy . You ain't seen crazy " And with that , without thinking , I shoved the pocket knife through his shirt and skin and right into his rib .

I hadn't even realized what I've done or how much damage I caused until he let out a yell and fell to the floor .

But all that sympathy quickly went flying out the window as I yanked out the knife . I pressed my hand into the wound .

" You're a fucked up person . I should leave you here to bleed out and die . But my kids need you . That's the only reason " I said hearing the twins cry in the background .

I dialed 911 and left the phone next to him . I left the room and washed my hands off .

I really didn't know what to do with myself . I stood up , staring at the wall until the ambulance came to get him . And even when they were asking questions I just stared blankly .

Why did my life have to be so fucked up ? Why is everyone such a liar . What's so hard about telling the truth ? Better yet , what's so hard about not doing anything that's worth lying about ? Just do what you're supposed to do , thats all . And why doesn't anyone have a heart ? You don't stop and think about what you're doing . I know Chris like the back of my hand . Or at least I thought I did . And you mean to tell me , not once did it come across his mind that his loyal wife and mother of his children is sitting at home waiting for you and you're gonna go fuck her bestfriend . You don't have decency or common sense to know that that's completely fucked up .

I hadn't realized I was so deep into my thoughts until I felt cold metal handcuffs around my wrists .

" You have the right to remain silent ....... " The police officer continued .

And all I could think was why I couldn't I have the right to happiness and peace . Maybe relationships aren't for me . Maybe I was destined to be single for the rest of my life .

* Honey *

When I got the call that Chris was stabbed by Kyler , I automatically knew it was because she found out . And I knew she'd be after me soon . I deserved whatever she'd give me . But I refuse to stop seeing Chris . All my relationships turned out to be shit , and I finally found someone I click with . I refuse to give that up . Kyler would just have to move on . And I wouldn't really surprise me if she got with Tyga . I know Kyler's mentality . And if I was her , I would do the same . Talk about an eye for an eye .

An ex for an ex . But this is a major life decision . I've thought long and hard about this . It's a big decision but it was mine , and it was definite . This will be a successful relationship . I don't care what I have to go through .

I'm almost 40 and can't even hold a relationship . So I'm going to hold on to this one for my life .

Autumn Leaves : Book 4 ( Chris Brown )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora