Chapter 24

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* Quiria *

I was tapping my foot waiting for someone to knock on the door . I can't wait until Kam comes by to bring my baby back to me . I don't really do much through the day other than do my friend's hair for money and work part time . Other than that , I'm spending time with KJ .

The 3 knocks echoed throughout my apartment and I hopped up and eagerly answered the door . Kam looked terrible . He had bags under his eyes , he was tired , his pants were on backwards and he was barely carrying KJ .

I took KJ from his arms and watched him walk off . " Wait , I called out .

He stopped and turned around raising his eyebrows as in saying " what " . I walked towards him and grabbed his hand and pulled him into my apartment .

" Talk . I know there something wrong " I said to him .

Autumn Leaves : Book 4 ( Chris Brown )Where stories live. Discover now