Getting along

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I'm hungry...

My phone assistant told me it was 8 p.m.

But I didn't want to go back home. How to face Jonas after confronting him in the morning like that? What if he asks me to leave his house? Or what if he told me he still hates me?

''Arrgghh... I'm doomed'', I put my head on the table. ''I think I should find a rental house now'', I sighed heavily.

''Why?'', his voice startled me. Looking up, I see Jonas in front of me.

''J...J...Jonas?'', I stammered.

''This is for you'', he puts a chocolate bar on the desk.

''For me?'', I said happily but dropped my expression. ''B....But why you are here?'', I ask him reluctantly.

''What can I do if you haven't cooked dinner yet? I had to find for you'', he shrugs as he sat at the side of the desk; facing me.

''You mean.... You won't chase me out?'', I asked him.

''No silly... why I want to do that?'', he raised his brow.

''You said you hate me'', I mumbled.

''Do you think I believed your words back then?'', he asked me. I looked up at him. ''You clearly never type a message to anyone... So how can you send me those messages back then...?'', he smiled. ''I knew long ago that you were also tricked by Dylan'', his words surprised me.

''Then why did you avoid me? I thought you were angry with me for that'', I pouted. Jonas didn't say anything. ''It's ok, leave it. You have your own reasons. So friends?'', I extended my arm to him.

He smiles as he grabs my arm and pulls me from the chair. In a quick movement, I'm in his arms.

''You are someone special to me too... so friends!'', he says softly.

I smile as I hug him happily. ''Thank you, Jonas''

Leaning back, ''Let's go... I'm hungry'', I told him.

''Alright'', he smiles.

We decided to have our dinner at a restaurant nearby. Jonas told me Dylan came to meet him and apologized.

I'm glad he did that.... At least he tried to rekindle their friendship

After taking a bath, I walked to Jonas's room to meet him. He didn't open the door, so I allowed myself to enter since it was unlocked.

I saw the photo frames attached to the wall. His single pictures and pictures with family and friends.

''What are you doing?'', his voice made me jump a little.

''I came to meet you'', I turned around and was stunned seeing his topless body.

Shit, damn so hot.... His abs are amazing...

''Finish checking me out?'', he smirked.

''N...No.. Who wants to check you out?'', I turned my sight to the wall behind him.

''Huh-uh?'', he leaned closer to me and my eyes widened. His nose nuzzles my neck which froze me. ''You smell nice'', he whispers. My cheeks turned red with his comment.

'' too'', I replied anxiously.

He leans back; places his hand at the side of me as his eyes lock with mine.

''Me too?'', he looked puzzled.

''You smell nice too'', I explained. ''I think both of us are using good shampoos'', he chuckles with my words.

''You are quite dumb'', he shakes his head while smiling. I pushed him away from me.

''Jeez... you won't sleep if you didn't tease me for a day isn't it?'', I asked exasperatedly.

He shrugs. ''By the way, here it is... can you give this drawing to Riley?'', I showed the drawing paper.

''What's this?'', he grabbed the paper and looked at it.

''The one who tried to shoot Sara. This is how he looked like'', I told him. ''Riley saw me drawing this guy in the hospital. So he asked me to give him one once it was completed. I totally forgot about it. He said he will cooperate with the detectives''

''Okay, I will hand over this to him'', he nodded. ''But you draw really well'', he looked amazed.

''Is it? This is the first time I'm drawing a person'', I chuckle.

''You have so many talents'', Jonas complimented.

''Well, thank you'', I smile. 

Jonas is the only person who notices me about everything.... and the first person complimented me....

My father's annual dinner is coming soon. We are almost gonna achieve our target. Thanks to Jonas and others who worked really hard to settle many projects.

''Jonas, no no... I'm scared'', I said anxiously; gripping the steering.

''Slow slow, I'm here'', he grabbed my hand since it was trembling too much.

Currently, Jonas is teaching me to drive. He was the one who encouraged me to learn to drive and started to teach me every weekend. Today he asked me to drive around the street on my own. 

At first, I was scared to death but somehow I managed to drive around the street. Thanks to Jonas who was good at teaching me. 


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