Chapter 15 - Tsukasa

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"To tell you the truth... I don't know her 'personally'"

Hanako said not wanting to lie to the girl, as she knew that if she wanted to know something she would run after her until she got tired.

and she doesn't get tired fast.

Yashiro cocked her head to the side, totally confused. 'How did Hanako not know her personally? That's possible' Yashiro thought. Hanako noticed the girl's confusion and just shrugged her shoulders and said, "Don't worry about it, Yashiro. If you're that worried I'll send my hakujoudai - disembodied human souls - " Hanako told Yashiro that now the girl seemed more relieved to know that your 'friend' would be fine.

Unfortunately, Hanako wasn't too happy. Since his last conversation with Amiko - chan he is even more worried about you.

Memories of the past still haunt him and Hanako knew her brother wouldn't let it go as long as he knew of her arrival.

You weren't to blame for anything that happened that day, the future just changed. Hanako was the culprit. If he hadn't involved you, you would still be alive. and he would be dead, if that damn thirst for revenge nor Hanako's disease existed it would never happen... unfortunately, you were too good for that and had to corrupt your future to help your friends.

Hanako was interrupted in her thoughts by a threat of danger coming from her hakujoudai. Hanako despaired remembering that he had left one of his hakujoudai to watch over you and afraid of the possibility of you dying. "Yashiro, wait here!" Hanako spoke desperately and before Yashiro could protest, Hanako was already gone.

"Weird" Yashiro muttered and leaned against one of the sinks next to her. Yashiro looked up then sighing. 'First talking and playful magic hands and then this. 'argh what did I do to this?' Yashiro whimpered in her thoughts. Too busy, the girl didn't notice one of the hands pulling her towards the mirror.

"Hm? what do you want to play-"

"Come with me."


And soon, Nene was pulled into the mirror without anyone hearing her screams.

- HOURS AGO - with Mitsuba, Kou and (Y/N) -

After Mitsuba's friend request. Kou, went to you and called both of you.

You entered the school talking about meeting again tomorrow, until you were interrupted by the door behind you slamming shut, then a strange voice saying:

"Mitsuba - kun. I can't leave you walking around alone."

'That voice' you thought. It sounded too familiar, you didn't like that. This guy looked like a psychopath! you feel relieved to be hiding behind Kou. You heard Kou complain about something and then you heard footsteps.

Kou noticed this and put his arm in front of you to show that he was protecting you, as you seemed a little flustered by the sudden appearance of this ghost.

"You left without even telling me?" The new voice spoke approaching Mitsuba. You wanted to take Mitsuba away from him but you couldn't move. But you wouldn't give up.

Unfortunately. Before you approached, the boy grabbed Mitsuba's scarf and pulled it, reaching out his hand and ripping a piece of Mitsuba's body.

"You shouldn't do that."

In shock you watched Mitsuba fall to the ground, it didn't take long for you to freak out and run towards him.

"Ah! Mitsuba-kun!" you said coming out from behind Kou. Kou, also acted fast and prepared to hit the apparition. A bad idea. The boy soon grabbed Kou's head and hit the wall.

"Kou-kun!" in desperation you called your friend after witnessing the scene. The ghost - who was previously beating Mitsuba and Kou - noticed you and approached. You shivered seeing him approach and said: "No, get away from me!-" Interrupted by two fingers on your forehead, the ghost was now crouching in front of you smiling brightly.

"Looks like Mitsuba found you!

Sweet dreams, (Y/N)."

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