Chapter 23 - "Help"

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"Here! Some fresh radish legs! if you're going to eat someone, let it be her!" Mitsuba yelled as he dragged you behind him, who was hiding behind Yashiro. "Mitsuba?!" Yashiro yelled at him in fear.

The creature soon says that its goal is to switch places with the living and that Mitsuba is just a weak spirit and not worth replacing. It would be a waste of time to replace it, and you could say it's defective.

Number 3's words made Mitsuba angry. "Are you calling someone cute like me defective? You've got guts! where are your eyes, you perverted mirror?"

"You don't seem to notice, but your appearance...." The creature spoke bringing its two "hands" to him and putting them together under his bird's beak. The number 3 then says that Mitsuba's appearance is a 7 at best, which left him in shock and it turns out he fell to his knees but you caught him before he could fall. Shortly after that he rates the "radish" as a 4, leaving her in shock as well, causing her to almost fall over on his side.

"Baby-chan!" you shouted realizing her state.

"And finally..." The bird continued: "You there, girl." he said pointing at you with his bird hands.

"Your rating is 9 out of 10."

The bird spoke, leaving the three of you shocked. "W-What?! I-I'm not even that pretty!" You exclaimed when you noticed Yashiro and Mitsuba's gazes.

'Uhmm the bird is right but it makes me a little mad that she got 9, why not 10' Nene thought.

'That pervert! who is he to rate her like that, it could be a 10. She's quite pretty.' Mitsuba thought.

"Let's start."He wiggles his finger, causing anthropomorphic minions to leave. He says that he will grant any of the "mannequins" to steal Nene's soul and hers, whatever steals will take her place.

Arms come out of the ground and grab Nene, preventing her from moving, grab you as well but pin her to the ground instead of in the air. Mitsuba stops in his place and shouts your name, except he refers to Yashiro as 'Radish - senpai'.

A minion was moments away from reaching out to grab his soul before Mitsuba threw a small mirror frame at the minion, causing him to fall. The minions then start targeting Mitsuba, causing him to run not before hitting another mirror at the mannequins near Yashiro, but they end up pinning him to the ground.

"Sorry! Sorry! Don't hunt me down." A lackey then punched Mitsuba, causing him to stop talking.

"Mitsuba-kun!" You spoke trying to get rid of the handshake, which made you squeeze more. You turn your attention to the radish, which is now unconscious under the handshake.

"No! Nene - san!" You screamed her name when you realized she had passed out. "Let go of me stupid mirror!" You said moving even more, luckily the mirror didn't notice you and didn't make you faint like Nene did.

You were quite angry, not only because he hurt your friends, but because he ignored you. It reminded her of how useless you were before, how you were ignored, how you were hurt. Nobody ever gave a shit about you, you wanted to change but you can't even protect your friends. The only thing you did was cry and accept it when the hand lifted it and started squeezing you wanting you to be unconscious or even die.

You were being useless as usual.

'I'm sorry... I'm sorry for being weak..' you thought as you started to lose consciousness and tears were forming if it weren't for Mitsuba.

"Relief!" Mitsuba screamed loud enough to keep you awake and to realize that this would not be the end of you.

"Looks like I don't have a choice." Before you could reason what was going on. Suddenly everything around you, the mannequins and the hands that were holding you shattered, freeing you and Nene from the grip of the hand.

Yashiro soon thought that the one who saved her was Hanako, but she was completely wrong when the possible 'Hanako' rudely breaks the mirror where the bird is.

He then grabs number 3's throat and asks:

"What are you doing? Beating the weak?"

"I should be asking you! what do you think you're doing pushing other people's boundaries?!" The bird asks soon regretting it when, the Hanako-like figure, ruthlessly smashes its head against the mirror repeatedly.

The sounds of the bird's head can be heard causing Mitsuba, Nene and you to look scared at the new person.

Nene looked scared while Mitsuba covered her ears looking uncomfortable and scared. You seemed to have the same expression you were scared but at the same time you wouldn't hesitate if he hurt your friends.

"Damn, the mirror broke." He spoke then looked at you. Just then, he approached Yashiro and asked if she was alive, to which she replied that yes, he looked happy and said "nice" before now walking towards her.

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