Shits Getting Real

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"Dewey. Is that Gale?" I asked pointing to a van a little ways down from where we were. I was sitting on the edge of his seat and he had the door open, leaning on it.

"I... I think so. Let's go check it out." He held out his hand for me to get out of the car. I took it willingly. I smiled to myself, but didn't realize when neither of us let go as we walked.

He knocked on their door and after a second it slid open.

"Oh. Deputy Dewey!" Gale said as she saw him. He grimaced at the name.

"What brings you to these parts?" He asked.

"Just looking for a story." She smiled. "What are you doing out here?" She started to play with the hem of her skirt. I could have smacked that smug smile right off of her face.

"Oh you know. Just checking out the neighborhood. Gonna go check out the party." He squeezed my hand a little, and that's when we both realized we were holding hands. We awkwardly coughed and let go.

"Wonderful! Mind if I come with?" I internally groaned.

"Uh... yeah. Sure why not."

"Great let me just grab my coat." She smiled and turned around.

"Sorry. I don't want her to come either." He whispered to me.

"What?" Gale asked.

"Oh... I was just apologizing for grabbing her hand." He smiled.

"Alright. Well let's go." She smiled, morning in front of us.

We all walked into the house and were Immediately greeted with loud music and the smell of beer. "Oh God." I groaned, trying to stay as close to Dewey as possible.

We made our way to the living room. "Dewey. What is she doing here?" Tatum asked, pointing to Gale.

"I don't know! She just followed us. Oh sorry Em." He said. He accidentally stepped on my foot.

"Its fine." I smiled.

"Well get her out. You know Syd doesn't want her here." She hissed at Dewey.

"Right." Dewey said, pulling my arm. We managed to get Gale and ourselves out before Sydney could be bombarded with questions by her.

"Everything look ok deputy?" She smiled once we were outside.

"Yep. Looks good. Emma and I will be off now." He ushered me in the other direction.

"God I hate that woman." I groaned as we got back to his car.

"Now hates a strong word." He chuckled. "But it's probably the right one."

"Yeah, probably." I looked down at my hands that I was twiddling. Just being around Dewey made me so happy. His smile made my heart flutter and his hugs and little touched gave me butterflies.I

I didn't know what we could be at the time. Now that I think back on it... I wish we had grown closer at an earlier time in our lifes.

"When all this is over... I'm gonna move out of my mom's house. Get my own." He smiled at me.

"That's great." A voice came over his radio, and he ran over to answer it. I waited for him to come back.

"Sheriff just called. Somebody just reported a car in the bushes, I'm gonna go check it out." He sighed as he walked back to my side. "You wanna come with me? I though we could walk since its so pretty out."

"Sure. That sounds nice." I smiled, linking my arm in his.

Dewey's POV:

She linked her arm in mine and we started to walk down the road. "You know you have a very contagious smile." She said out of the blue.

"Is it? So is your laugh." I wasn't lying. Anytime she laughed, it sounded like music. Her laugh was just so soft and sweet.

"Thank you." She laid her head on my shoulder and shivered slightly.

"Are you cold?" I asked, snaking my arm around her waist.

"Its a little chilly." She sighed, and snuggled up against me some more.

"Well here. Take my jacket." I offered, sliding it off my shoulders.

"You won't get cold?" She hesitantly let me drape it over her shoulders.

"Nah. Made out of steel." I laughed.

"Iron Dewey. Yeah that's gonna be a movie. I can see it already." She waved her hand in front of our faces. "Hey you never really told me how you got that name. Dewey."

"Oh. Tatum called me that when she had just started talking. It just... stuck. I hate it." She stopped walking and looked up at me with a shocked expression.

"Mr Dwight Riley! Hate is a very strong word!" She mocked me.

"I think that's the first time I've heard you say my real name in years."

"Yeah I like Dewey. It's kind of sexy." She smirked.

Emma's POV:

I didn't know what had gotten into me. Why the hell would I say that it's kind of sexy?

"Sexy? You think that's sexy?" He met my eyes. We both stopped walking and just stared at each other.

"Yeah. But not just your name." I had no clue where this newly found courage was coming from.

"Oh yeah? What else do you think is sexy about me?" He asked. He didn't sound like he was completely there, but neither did I. Nothings were speaking quieter than usual and we were suddenly breathless.

"You. Everything about you." I breathed. Our lips were so close and then suddenly there was a bright light. It was headlights.

"Theyre going very fast. Slow down! Stop! Freeze!" He yelled before tackling me out of the way.

When I opened my eyes again, Dewey was laying on up of me.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." We were both breathing heavily. After a few seconds of just staring at him, I connected out lips. The kiss was heated and hungry, but at the same time... It felt right.

After a minute we both pulled away. "Was that sexy enough?" He asked. I couldn't look at him seriously and we both burst into laughter.

I turned my head to the side and saw a car in the woods. "Is that what you're looking for?" I asked.

"My whole life." He breathed. I turned back to look at him and saw he was still staring at me.

"Not me." I pressed a quick kiss to his lips. "The car." I said turning his face to look at it.

"Damn it!"

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