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A/N: so there are gonna be some time skips. Sorry about that!

3 months later

"Ok! Is everyone ready to know the gender?" I asked.

"Yes!" The guest shouted.

"Alright, so Emma and I will pop these two balloons, and whatever color comes out is the gender." Dewey explained.

"To make things even better, we Dew and I didn't let the doctors tell US what the gender was either so we have no clue." I jumped a little, excited.

"Alright. Three... two... one!" Dewey smiled as he and I popped the balloon.

I watched happily as pink smoke traveled from mine.

"It's a girl!"

"It's a boy!"

We shouted at the same time, both turning to look at each other in confusion. "Huh?" We said together.

I looked down, and at my feet there was a note. "What's this?" I asked, bending down to pick it up.

I read in the messy scrawl of my OBGYN what the note said.

"Oh my God! Oh my God!" I turned to Dewey, smiling like a maniac.

"What?!" He asked, his voice an octave higher.

"Twins!" I shouted, jumping into his arms.

"Twins?" He asked breathlessly, his face twisting into confusion.

The crowd burst into cheers and applause again.

"Dewey oh my God, we're having twins!" I was so happy I couldn't think straight.

"Oh my God." He said above me, like everything was only just now hitting him. "Two. Oh my God it's twins!" He picked me up and spun me around.

"Wait so that means... it's a boy and a girl!" I laughed.

"Oh my God!" Sydney didn't hesitate to wrap me in a huge hug of her own when Dewey sat me down.

"Randy and Tatum." I agreed.

"Emma Riley! You're having two children! I cannot physically handle this." Gale walked over to the three of us.

"Yeah. Me either." Dewey agreed. He still looked shocked and very confused.

"Aren't you excited though?" I asked as I slid under his arm and leaned into his side.

"More than ever." He chuckled.

"I love you." I sighed into his side.

"I love you to." He smiled, kissing the top of my head.

Six months later

I was sitting on the couch with Dewey, showing Syd my ultra sound pictures.

"Look you can see Randy's little hand right here." Dewey smiled pointing at the picture.

He looked so lovingly at the baby's. He had his arm around my back and his hand resting on my stomach.

"Ow!" I yelped as I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen.

"What?! What's wrong!?" Dewey panicked instantly.

"Nothing." I chuckled. "You're daughter is just kicking the shit out of me." I laughed.

"Oh. Don't scare us like that." Sydney let out a sigh of relief.

"Anyway, look there's the outline of Tatum's nose." Dewey continued.

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