A Body Bag

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Dewey and I rushed out to the car and sped down the road to Taryn's house. I opened the door before Dewey had even completely stopped and jumped out.

I limp up to the door with Dewey close behind and knocked. I waited a few seconds before knocking again.

"Damn it, Tate. Answer the fucking door." I rushed. I knocked again and finally heard someone shuffling to the door.

The door swung open to reveal Tatum standing there with blood all over her. She fell into my arms and started to cry hysterically.

"Tatum!?" I gasped. "Tatum what happened!? Are you ok!?" I sat down on the floor and held her. "Dewey!" I cried. "Dewey what do I do!?"

He didn't say anything, he just pulled his gun and went inside. Tatum continued to cry in my arms until Dewey came back out. He had blood on his hands.

"Steven's dead." He said. Tatum let out a horrible scream.

"No!" She cried. "No daddy he's not dead!" I held onto her tighter.

"Dew call 911." I whispered.

"She's in shock and her left arm is broken, along with a few knife wounds but other than that nothing major." The doctor told Dewey and I.

"Thank you." Dewey said as I cried into his chest. He rubbed down my hair and held me close. "She's ok." He cooed to me.

"Mom!? Dad!?" Randy said, rushing into the hospital room.

"Oh Randy!" I gushed, running over ti hug him. "Randy please dear god tell me you're ok."

"Mom I'm fine. What happened?" He pulled away from me and rushed over to his sister.

"She was attacked." Dewey sniffed.

"Where the hell is Steven?" Randy said coldly.

"Randy... Stevens dead." I barley whispered.

"Wha-what?" Randy fell down into the chair beside Tatum's hospital bed. "Do... do Aunt Gale and Syd know?" He asked.

"We haven't called them yet." Dewey said, shaking his head. Randy let out a king sigh.

"Lil's parking the car. She and Dwight should be here in a second." I nodded and sat down on the little couch beside Dewey.

After a few minutes Lily came in carrying Dwight. "Oh Tatum." She gasped.

"Hey Lily." I forced a smile and walked over to her. "Are you ok?" She nodded as I leaned down and kissed Dwight's forehead.

"Can I see the baby Lily?" Dewey asked. She nodded and handed him to me so I could walk him over to Dew.

I laid him in Dewey's arm and sat back down, laying my head on his shoulder.

"I love you."

Dewey and I had gotten a call that Wes Hicks and... Judy Hicks-although I can't say I was too terribly upset- had been killed.

"Welp. Wes was right. He wasn't safe." I sighed as Dewey and I walked away from an officer.

"Yeah, I know." Just then I saw Gale running up to us.

"Gale?" The both said.

"A text?" She smacked Dewey's shoulder.

"Ow." He said rubbing his arm. This time she reached over and hit me.

"You tell me the killer is back in a text!?" She said hitting both of us.

"Ow, that hurts." I winced.

"Good!" She scoffed.

"We couldn't exactly call you. You were on air." I said.

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