"Oh my sweet Jesus."

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Gale, Sydney, and I had figured out that there was a party going on, after we watched a man fall like fifty feet from the hospital. Of course Dewey tried to fix things there to.

Gale was walking me back to her car when I felt a hand grab mine. "Em, please talk to me." He begged.

I turned around to glare at him. "Where are the kids?" I asked.

"My mom's house." He sighed. "Listen plea-"

"Have you got those divorce papers ready for me to sign yet? Huh Dwight?" I asked.

"Honey you know I didn't mean that." Dewey sighed.

"Yeah well, you sounded pretty sure about it when you said it." I scoffed.

"Emma, can't we just fix this?" He took my rings from a chain around his neck and handed them to me. 

It took every ounce of my will power to not slip them on my finger and run into his arms. He looked heart broken but so was I. He told me we should get a divorce and I can't just forgive and forget.

"No." I said coldly, shoving them into his shirt pocket and leaving with Gale.

"I love you." I barley heard him whisper.

"I love you too." I muttered, but nobody heard.

"Why do I have to be such a bitch to him? He was just frustrated. I really don't deserve him."  I thought to myself.

Gale and I ended up going to the party, scoping out the place and trying to figure anything out at this point.

"Here. That should be the last camera." I sighed, as Gale climbed back into the hay loft with me.

"Perfect. Let's go watch in my car." Gale said as we climbed down the ladder. When we got to her car, she turned on the cameras and we sat back, watching the kids.

Everything was going smoothly until I noticed one of the cameras moving. "Gale look." I said, pointing to the screen.

We watched, as one by one, the cameras were covered. The last one showed ghost face, just before he laid it face down. "Shit." Gale muttered. "Call your husband."

I quickly dialed Dewey's number. "Pick up. Pick up. Pick up." I groaned.

"Emma?" His voice finally answered.

"Dew! Ok so Gale and I are at this party and ghost face is here." I rushed.

Dewey's POV:

"Wait, what?" I asked, trying to comprehend what she was saying.

"Ghost face is here. Dewey I need you!" She yelled.

"Why the he- ok listen. First of all, what did I say about not running into danger. Second of all, now I'm pissed that you're gonna get yourself killed." I growled.

"Yeah yeah, just get here or I seriously will die. Ok? Here I'll send you my location." She said in a rush.

"No! Go home! NOW!" I ordered her.

"No can do loverboy. Bye" She hung up.

"Damn it!" I groaned, swerving around and going to the place she sent me. Who knew after thirteen years of marriage, your wife would still drive you mad?

Emma's POV:

"Ok he's on his way." I said, turning to Gale.

"Okie dokie. Let's do this." She sighed, stepping out of the car. 

She and I walked back into the barn. I stood, leaning against some hay while she walked up to one of the cameras. She reached out for it but both of us jumped when a crash came from the movie.

"It looks fine." She said, examining it. She looked over to her left and stopped. I followed her gaze and saw another camera. One we didn't place.

Dewey's POV:

I walked over to Gale's car and stuck my head in the window. I watched her on the camera as she put it down to her side and had it pointed behind her. I could see Emma leaning against a bale of hay as she watched. 

All I did was blink, and then she was being tackled to the ground. "Emma!" I yelled, running to the barn. It took me a good 30 seconds to get there. That's too long.

"Freeze!" I yelled, pointing my gun towards the killer. I saw Gale lying on the floor below the loft. I shot at the killer but missed. I ran to the ladder. "Move you morons!" I shouted at the screaming people.

I climbed up the ladder, but only to see the door across from me close and my wife lying on the floor.

"Emma?!" I rushed over to her side, as she groaned. "Are you alright?"

"I just... I just need to get this bullet out before I bleed out." She groaned.

"You were shot?!" I asked, my voice almost 2 octaves higher.

"No. No he stabbed me with a bullet." She rolled her eyes.

"You've just been shot and you're still being a smart ass?" I chuckled. She nodded her head with a smirk. "Here, just keep pressure on it." I told her.

I went back down the ladder to check on Gale. "Did you catch him?" She asked.

"No. But hopefully your cameras caught something." I sighed.

"They weren't the only ones Dewey." She breathed.


"There was a webcam, it was sitting up there. It was watching us." She was breathing heavily.

"A webcam?" I asked.

"He's recording the murders." She nodded her head. "This time, he's making the movie."

"Oh my sweet Jesus."

A/N: I'm sorry this is such a shitty chapter but I'm really trying to focus on Emma and Dewey's relationship. Again, i'm really sorry! Thanks for reading!

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