"Ok... what the hell?"

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Dewey and I sat beside Gale's hospital bed. My gunshot wound missed anything vital and despite Dewey's protests, I convinced them to let me go early.

"How did you get shot?" Dewey asked.

"I pulled out my gun, but he twisted my arm back and grabbed it from me." I sighed.

"It's ok." Dewey said, rubbing my arm.

We sat in silence for a few moments before breaking it.

"I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry."

We both spoke at the same time. Dewey motioned for me to go on.

"I'm sorry. I know you were just mad and upset. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did. I'm just now realizing that because if something had happened to me, our kids wouldn't have seen me for a week, and you and I would have been in a fight. I don't want that." I sighed.

"Emma, I never should have said what I said. No matter how angry I was, I have no excuse for how I acted. It was stupid and I'm so sorry. We both really fucked up, but in the end I love you and I would NEVER say that and mean it. I don't know what I would do without you." He said, grabbing my hand.

"You wouldn't make it a day." I smiled.

He smiled back. "Put these back on?" He asked, handing me my rings.

I let him slide them onto my finger before two out of breath teens bust into the room.

"Ok... what the hell?" Tatum breathed.

"Um... hello? Tate, language." Dewey said with his eyebrows raised.

"Why did nobody think to call us?" Randy asked.

"Because I was kind of busy getting a bullet removed from my abdomen." I shrugged.

"You were shot?!" They both asked in sync.

"No. No I was stabbed with a bullet." I said.

"Really mom? Now?" Tatum said rolling, her eyes.

"Hey. Don't roll your eyes at your mother." Dewey ordered.

"What's happened to aunt Gale?" Randy asked.

"Stabbed." I breathed. "Hey, how did you two get here?" I asked.

"Well... Nana might not know." Tatum said, looking down at her shoes.

"Excuse me? Please dear God tell me you two aren't running around town when a killer is on the loose." I glared at them.

"No, but we did skip second period to get here." Randy sighed.

"Oh my God. I'm returning them back to Walmart." Dewey groaned, throwing his head back onto the seat.

"Hey!" Tatum scoffed.

"Oh did we not tell you? We got ya'll from the clearance section at Walmart." I giggled.

"Um... actually that's not how that works. So no you didn't." Randy countered me.

"Oh? Would you like me to tell you how we did get you then?" Dewey asked. "You see, we were on our honeymoon and-"

Both kids cut him off. "NO! NO! NO!" They yelled. "LALALALALA!" They said, sticking their hands over their ears.

Dewey and I burst into laughter at the sight of them. 

"Can you keep it down." Gale groaned, causing everyone to shut up.

"Sorry." Tatum apologized.

"Oh. When did you two get here?" Gale asked.

"Like five minutes ago." Randy said.

"Oh. Wait... aren't you supposed to be at school?" Gale asked.

"Oh um... who's hungry?" Tatum said, changing the subject.

"Me!" Dewey yelled. "Like seriously. I haven't eaten since yesterday." He said.

"Well then go down to the cafeteria. I'll stay with Gale." I told him.

"No mom, you go. Randy and I will stay. We had breakfast." Tatum offered.

"Are you sure honey? You don't want anything to eat?" I asked her.

"We're fine mom." Randy assured me. I agreed and went to stand up, wincing as a pain shot through my side.

"Mom?" Randy asked, worried.

"I'm fine baby." I smiled. "Help me up?" I asked, turning to Dewey.

"Yeah." His eyebrows were pulled down into a worried expression. "I love you." He said, as we made our way over to the door.

"I love you too."

"Dewey?" I asked, looking up from the magazine I had been reading.

"Yeah?" He responded, looking over to me.

"What if we had another kid?" I asked.

"What?" Dewey asked, choking on his coffee.

"I just... I've been thinking and, maybe it's something we could consider." I shrugged.

"Honey. You're 39 and I'm 40. Even if we we're not in the middle of figuring out who's going around killing people, the window for having kids is closing." He sighed.

"I know, I just..." I trailed off for a moment before sighing. "You're right. And even if we did, that would make us like 60 something when they graduated." I laughed.

"Oh God. That would be horrible." Dewey groaned. "That's my kid! Oh that's my boy right there!" Dewey did his best impression of an old man, causing me to burst into laughter.

We were still laughing hysterically when Dewey's radio went off. 

"Sheriff. It's Sydney Prescott."

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