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"What is it? You never cuss unless something is wrong." I said as he pushed himself off of me.

"That's Neil Prescott's car." He said flatly.

"Sydney's dad? Is he a suspect?" I asked, pushing myself off of the ground.

"Oh sorry." He said extending his hand. "But yeah. He uh... He made those calls. They were on his phone."

"Oh my God. No." This was a total shock. I loved her dad. He was always do nice and hospitable.

"Look we need to get back ok. C'mon!" He took my hand and we started to run out of the woods.

"Wait. Dew, your jacket." I reached down and slipped it over my arms. It was a little big but it was fine.

"Ok we've gotta go!" This time he practically yanked me onto the road and in the direction of where we came from.

"Gale!" He yelled breathlessly as we approached her van. "Gale is there a phone in there?" He asked.

"Yeah." She furrowed her brows.

"Take her and lock yourselves in the car. Call the police." He turned to walk away but I grabbed his arm and spun him back around.

"Where the hell are you going?" I asked.

"I've got to go find Neil." He gave me a weak smile. "I'll be back. I promise." He pressed his lips to mine and before I could react, he was running into the house.

"Fuck!" I ran my hands through my hair.

"C'mon. Get in." She ushered me into the van. She started the car and turned on her windshield wipers, but blood ran all down the window.

"Oh he'll no." I breathed. Gale snatched up the phone and called 911. Just as the operated answered someone popped up in the window and she smacked him with the phone.

"Gale! Drive!" I yelled. As she stepped on the gas, her camera man slid down onto the windshield.

"Kenny I'm sorry but get off my fucking windshield!" She yelled as she based it. She was. driving uncontrollably and Sydney was standing in the middle of the road.

I pushed the steering wheel in the direction away from Syd, and the car ran into the woods. After a minute I being in a daze, my vision cleared up, and I got out of the car. Sydney was standing on the side of the road.

"Emma!" She yelled, wrapping me in a hug. "Where's Dewey?"

"He went in that Damn house. Cmon!" Sydney and I ended back to the house, telling Dewey's name the whole way.

"Dewey! Dewey where are you?" She called as we walked up to the porch.

"Dewey! Dewey please!" I yelled. The door opened, and Dewey stumbled out. I let out a hug sigh of relief.

"Emma." He smiled as he fell to the ground. I realized a knife was sticking out of his back.

"No! No! Dewey!" I yelled as the killer snatched the knife out of his back. Tears were streaming down my face as I ran around to the back of the house.

"Fuck you." I sobbed as I ran. All I could think about was Dewey... until I saw her.

"Oh my God." I clamped a hand to my mouth when I saw her. Tatum was hanging from the garage door, nearly decapitated.

I just looked away and ran inside. I decided upstairs would be the best option. I had to find a phone and call the police. I went into a room that looked like it was a bedroom. There was blood everywhere, but it smelt oddly like sugar.

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