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"All I ever wanted to do was make a real, classic love story. And the
studio said they'd let me, I just had to do a scary movie for them
first. And now we're shut down and I am fucked!" Roman whined.

"Go, it's not the end of the world Roman." Jennifer scoffed.

"That is so easy for you to say! You can always go back to must see TV. Ya know, I have no movie, I'm about to turn 30, and it looks like I am
now the next target." He groaned.

"What?" I asked.

"You, why you?" Dewey added.

He held up a video award with its head missing. "Do you think this wasn't a message?" He asked. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"Roman Bridger." Wallace and Kincaid were walking over to us.

"What?" Roman asked clearly annoyed.

"Mr. Bridger, you didn't tell us you spoke with Sarah Darling before she
was murdered." Kincaid said.

"Spoke with her when?" He asked.

"The guard said she was here for a meeting with you."

"What meeting?" Roman scoffed.

"We talked to her roommate, too. Says you called Sarah and told her to
come down to the studio. Roommate answered the phone, says it was you." Wallace shrugged.

"Wait a minute!  I never called her, never told her to go anywhere!" Roman protested.

"Roommate says she knows your voice, Mr. Bridger." Kincaid sighed. I leaned into Dewey's side watching them go back and forth.

I just wanted to fin this guy. He had already stabbed my left shoulder and I was exhausted.

"I'll call it in." Kincaid said. He looked at his phone and saw the battery was dead. "Battery. Mrs. Riley, you
have a cell phone I can borrow?" He looked to me.

"Of course." I pulled mine out of my pocket and handed it to him.

"Thank you." He smiled.

"God, Roman. Remind me not to sleep with him again." Jennifer whispered. I just shook my head and buried my face in Dewey's side.

Dewey and I walked into Jennifer's house to see her stressing out and Tom ripping up a script. Angelina was sitting on the couch.

"That's cause you weren't in it. Scenes 40 - 47, the Prescott house
Flashback." Tom said.

"Tom, stop it. You're scaring me. Two people are dead." Angelina looked worried.

"Scaring you?" He laughed. "Give the sweet young ingenue act a rest."

"You're drunk." Angelina scoffed and left.

"I'm coping! I bet she fought and clawed for that Sidney part. I bet
she stepped on any poor girl that got in her way." He laughed dryly.

"So you asked her out and she said no?" I asked.

"That has nothing to do with it." He snarled.

"Right... come on guys." Jennifer looked at Dewey and I.

"Scene fifty, Emma saves the day." Tom scoffed as we walked away.

Jennifer led us into a separate room.

"So what's the deal with Gale?" She asked.

"She's so focused on success that she never thinks about who she's
hurting to get it." Dewey sighed.

"And you two saved her life how many times?" She scoffed.

"Gale wants the whole world to love her. Her friends are never enough.
She's a dreamer." I shrugged.

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