Better Safe Than Sorry

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Dewey, Gale, Jennifer, and I, entered the office, to see Milton and Roman talking.

"Roman, John." Jennifer nodded.

"Jennifer, and guests. To what do I owe the honor?" He shuffled some papers around on his desk.

"Rina Reynolds." Gale said plainly.

"Rina Reynolds, who's Rina Reynolds?" Roman furrowed his eyebrows.

"Why don't you head to the house. Tell everyone not to cut the cake without me." Milton said nervously.

"Oh God! I forgot, your birthday! Happy birthday, Roman." Jennifer gasped.

"Yeah, yeah, as if life isn't tragic enough." Roman scoffed.

"Shut the doors behind you please." Milton told Roman.

"So you know Sydney Prescott's mother." I spoke as Roman left.

"Who?" Milton asked.

"Rina Reynolds." Jennifer repeated.

"Uh, do you know how many actors have worked for me? Hundreds,
thousands." Milton sighed.

"She didn't say she was an actor." Dewey spoke up.

"Good catch." Jennifer flirted. I internally groaned and as if he could read my mind, Dewey grabbed my hand.

I smiled up at him. "So what's the point?" Milton asked.

"No point, I'm just gonna give Detective Kincaid a call." Dewey shrugged.

"I remember her! She was a bit player in a couple of my movies. A nobody! So what does it matter?" He rushed.

"Oh, Come on! You have made millions off the story of her murder. You're obsessed with HER and you're obsessed with her DAUGHTER!" Jennifer yelled.

"All right, easy Geraldo." Gale held a hand up to Jennifer. "Why don't' you tell us the truth?" She asked, turning to Milton.

"What the hell are you guys getting at? I make horror films, that's what I do.  The Studio came to me with 'Stab'.  They came to me, check it out." Milton sighed.

"But you know who she was." I pressed.

"When we did the first 'Stab" I realized I'd known Maureen Prescott before, I mean as Rina. I couldn't tell anyone. Can you imagine the press?" Milton explained.

"And now? I mean, murders on your set and still you say nothing?" Gale scoffed.

"Get real, that would make me a suspect!" He said as if it were obvious.

"Just because you knew her?"

"Yeah." He mumbled.

"I don't think so! Just what happened to Maureen when she was in Hollywood?" Now Gale was the one getting all worked up.

"Now you listen to me, Lois Lane, let it go. It's dead and buried." Milton pointed his finger at Gale.

"And how would you like to see it dug up on national TV? Why don't' you
tell me what happened?" Gales reporter side was really showing.

"It was in the 70's, everything was different. I was well known for my parties, Rina knew what they were. It was for girls like her to meet men, men who could get them parts, if they made the right impression. Nothing happened to her that she didn't invite, in one way or another, no matter what she said afterwards." Milton gave in.

"Are you saying she was-."

"I'm saying things got out of hand.  Maybe they did take advantage of her! Maybe the sad truth is, this is not the city for innocence. No charges were brought. And the bottom line is, Rina Reynolds wouldn't play by the rules.  You wanna get ahead in Hollywood, you gotta play the game, or go home." Milton ran a hand through his hair, as Dewey did the same thing.

The four of us walked back out to Dewey's car and got in. Jennifer immediately started rambling about what we had to do to find out who the killer is.

Dewey and I were up front while she and Gale sat in the back. I pinched the bridge of my nose as she and Gale argued. Dewey looked over at me and chuckled.

"Ass." I scoffed at him, causing him to laugh even more.

"Sorry. I'm sorry." He said between laughs.

"Just keep your eyes on the road." I giggled.

He laced our fingers together and nodded.

"Ugh, my Gale would be much more aggressive. My Gale would suspect
everybody, My Gale would-." Jennifer whined.

"Shut up!" Gale, Dewey, and I all said in unison, cutting her off.

Dewey's phone rang. He let go of my hand to answer it. "Riley here." He answered.

I could just barley make out Sydney's voice over the phone. Dewey's responses sounded like he was confused. He put down his phone laced his fingers back in mine.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Looks like we're going to that party after all." Dewey sighed.

"Hey guys, come one in, join the party." Roman greeted us. We reluctantly walked in.

"Yeah, well, actually we're here to see Sydney." Gale said.

"Good, Sydney's here." Roman smiled.

"Where? Where's Sydney?" Dewey asked, still holding my hand as he looked around.

"She's right there!" He pointed to Angelina.

"Jesus, not 'Sydney', Sydney!  Like she's Gale and I'm Gale." Jennifer motioned between Gale and her.

"Sydney Prescott? No, I never invited her here." Roman scratched the back of his neck.

"We'll she's on her way!" I threw my hands up, forgetting I was holding Dewey's and smacked him in the face.

"Ow!" He yelped.

I clamped my hands to my mouth. "Oh my God! I'm sorry!" I was trying to bite back a laugh as I cupped his face in my hands.

"I'm fine. You're just a little enthusiastic today." He smiled. I kissed the spot in his cheek where I smack him.

"Wait, so Sydney is supposed to be here?" Jennifer asked.

"Yeah. She just called us." Gale said.

"Well she's not here so... DRINKS!" Roman grabbed Jennifer and led her into the kitchen. Tyson and Angelina followed them.

"Looks like we're in our own then." Dewey sighed.

"Well shit." I thought about them leaving on their own. "Wait! You guys come back in here!" I called. The four walked back out of the kitchen.

"Why?" Angelina asked.

"Its not safe to go wondering around this house." Gale agreed.

"You got a point. Couldn't pay me to explore this house on my own if a killer wasn't on the loose." Tyson said.

I nodded my head in agreement. "Jennifer, cmon! You're always the life of the party. Come and keep me safe." Roman pouted.

"Don't be stupid Roman. She's not going anywhere with you." Gale rolled her eyes.

"Sit down. Finish your drink." Dewey scoffed at Roman.

"This is... fucking... Ugh! Fine! Stay here!" Roman turned and wandered off.

"Wait! I'm coming with you!" Jennifer called. "We'll be right back." She smiled at us.

"We should just, stay here." Dewey shrugged.

"Better safe than sorry."

"Got that right."

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