Sherrif Riley

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A/N: Again I just have to say that this picture of David is killing me. I can't with how freaking hot he is.

January 12, 2022

I rolled over in bed and hit something furry and soft. I opened my eyes to see the dog instead of my husband.

"Dewey?" I mumbled. Rubbing my eyes, I got out of bed and stumbled into the living room. Inside there were two kids talking to him.

"Dew, what's going on?" I asked sleepily.

"Baby come here." He ushered me over to the spot on the couch beside him. I did as I was told and plopped down beside him.

"What's wrong?" I asked as he kissed the top of my head.

"It's uh... it's hard to explain." He sighed. I saw the look in his eyes. I saw the worry and the fear and most of all... I saw the anger. His eyes told me everything.

I gasped. "Dewey... no." I barley whispered. He just closed his eyes and nodded.

"Who are you two?" I asked.

"I'm Sam." The girl said. She took a breath. "Billy Loomis's daughter." I shuddered. Dewey pulled me closer into his side.

"And you?" I asked, nodding my head towards the boy.

"Her boyfriend. Richie." He said.

"How long have you known him?" I blurted out.

"Six months." She shrugged.

"Did he know who your dad was when you met? Did he show any interest in woodsburow or the Stab franchise?" I asked.

"Wha- no." She looked confused. "Look we just need help."

Dewey and I both sighed and leaned back on the couch. Instinctively, I grabbed his hand.

"There are certain rules to surviving a Stab movie. Believe me, I know." He said.

"Rule number one. Never trust the love I interest. They seem all perfect and supportive until act three when their trying to rip your head off." I kept my gaze on Richie. Something about him seemed off.

"Hey, what the hell are you talking about? I was with Sam when Tara was attacked!" He defended.

"Yeah? And let me guess you were just conveniently in the other room when she was attacked at the hospital?" Dewey growled.

"Ok do I have to take this from... shitty Sam Eliot over here or what?" He scoffed.

"Watch it." I snapped, getting defensive.

"Rule number two." Dewey continued. "The killers motive, is always connected to something in the past."

"I'm related to Billy." Sam sighed.

"Right but then, why kill that random Vince guy?" Richie asked.

"That's for you to figure out." I sighed.

"And rule number three, and this is the most important rule," Dewey continued. "first victim always has a friend group, that the killer is apart of."

"Does your sister has a close knit group of friends?" I asked.

"Yeah. She does." Sam said.

"Then look for the killer there." Dewey nodded. "If you can find out why their doing this, you can figure out who's next."

"So help us. Help us find out who's behind this." She pleaded.

"Are you kidding me? I've been stabbed nine times." He groaned.

"We've both got nerve damage and a fun little limp. You think we wanna do that again?" I asked.

"We've got grandkids now. We can't." Dewey sighed.

"You just said it always goes back to the past right? So if I'm in danger... that means you two are in danger." She pleaded with me.

"C'mon. Let's do this together."

"Your times up." Dewey stood up and ushered them out of the house. He practically threw them out the front door and locked it.

"Dewey! Dewey what the hell was that?" I asked.

"We are fifty years old Em. We are not about to run around with some teens that are gonna get us killed. And I am sure as hell not gonna miss Dwight's 1st birthday because I got stabbed again." He scowled.

"Dewey you can't just leave them like that. You know what we went through! How hard do you think it'll be on them!? Their the same age Syd was!" I yelled.

He walked over and out his hand on my shoulders, resting his forehead against mine.

"Honey, I love you. I love you so so much. You and I both know we're not exactly young anymore and, I don't know if we're fast enough to run from a knife wielding psychopath." He said.

"What, are you dying my performance in bed is telling you I'm a little slow?" I chuckled, rubbing my hands over his chest.

"You always manage to crack a joke don't you?" He smiled.

"You know it." I said before connecting our lips. When we pulled away he wrapped his arms around me, and I did the same with him. I buried my face in his chest as he swayed from side to side with me.

"If things go seriously south, we'll step in. Ok?" I asked.

"I'm not gonna get you to let it go am I?" He asked.

"Nope." He chuckled, sending vibrations through his chest.

"Ok then."

"Good, Sheriff Riley is back in business." I laughed.

"Yeah? Well so is Officer Riley. She's hot." Before I could respond he through me onto the couch as I laughed.

"Now, let's see if your right. Maybe you have gotten a little slower."

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