Moving In

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"Dewey, you need to go." I tried to pull him out of his bed.

"Emma I cant. I can't go in there and see her. You know they always let the family have an open casket thing and then they close it for everyone else." He sighed into my shirt.

"Dewey you need to do this for your mother. And Tatum."

"I know. I know, but... I can't handle all of the people telling me how sorry they are and how young she was and all that bullshit." His eyes were tearing up again.

"Lets just get through this, and then we can move on and start the grieving process in our own way." I shook his shoulders a little.

"And what would that process be for us?" He asked.

"Lots of ice cream." I smirked. "Now, you seriously need to go."

"I hate it when you're right." He sighed, letting me help him into his wheelchair.

"I know." I smirked.

Dewey made it through the funeral ok. I mean he was about as ok as someone who just lost their sister can be. He didn't cry as much as I had expected. He was strong.

                                                5 months later

My alarm went off that morning making Dewey and I both sit up straight. "Shit." I said, running a hand over my face. I looked around my bedroom floor and realized it was an absolute mess.

"Ok Dew, wake up." I smiled, turning to him.

"Why?" He whined, flipping back onto the pillow, his black hair straying everywhere. "Oh my back." He groaned sticking a hand under his back and wincing.

"You sound like an old man." I chuckled, throwing a stuffed animal at his head.

"Yeah. Sometimes that happens when you get a knife to the back." He scoffed, catching the stuffed animal with ease.

"Well be a little happier why don't you." I chuckled.

"You're right." He said pulling me on top of him. "I get to wake up next to you." He tickled me a little and pressed his lips to mine.

I laughed into the kiss. "Cmon. We gotta clean up all your shit."

He scratched the back of his neck. "I didn't know moving in could be so messy." He grimaced.

I got out of bed, but instantly tripped over a box.

"Ow!" I yelped. "Ok baby. Clean up time." I looked behind me and Dewey was getting out of bed.

"Babe. You might wanna put on some clothes." Last night was the first time we had ever SLEPT together. I hadn't gotten a chance to really look at him, his torso was toned, and sported a six pack. His arms flexed and his V-line curved perfectly down his waist. Not to mention the size of uh... you know.

He looked down. "Oh... yeah probably." He chuckled. I threw him some underwear and pants from a box of his clothes laying on the floor. "Do I get a shirt?" He asked.

"No. I've never gotten a chance to really take this in." I laughed. I grabbed one of his oversized shirt and exchanged it for mine. I threw on some leggings and walked over to him.

"God you're cute when you wear my clothes." He smiled down at me. He grabbed my hips and smashed his lips against mine.

"Dewey." I said, pulling away and putting a finger up to his lips. "Dewey we've got to get all of your stuff put up." I laughed at his childlike whining. "Yep I'm never having kids. I already have a Dewey." He stuck out his bottom lip and twirled a peace of my hair between his fingers.

"Do we HAVE to clean up right now?" He asked.

"Yes. Yes we do." I turned on my heel and walked away.

"Rude." I heard him mutter under his breath.

A\N: I know this is short but I didn't think y'all would want to hear everything leading up to the proposal. That's what the next chapter will be about.

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