I Need You

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A/N: Y'all this gif isn't working but it's still so sweet. And it works perfectly for this chapter! I love it so much.

I regained consciousness once they had wheeled me into the hospital. I tilted my head to look over at Dewey who was holding my hand.

"I love you." He said, bringing my hand up to his lips and kissing it.

"I love you too." I manage to say. He gave me a weak smile and let them wheel me off to wherever they were taking me.

Dewey's POV:

I ran a hand through my hair as I watched them wheel her away to the minor surgery she needed. They had just taken Randy to a hospital room and I was headed there.

"Dewey!" I heard Gale call.

"Gale." I breathed, letting her wrap her arms around me.

"Is she ok?" Gale asked hurriedly.

"Yeah. Yeah they're taking her in for a minor surgery to stop all of the major bleeding but she's fine." I nodded, swallowing hard.

"And Randy?" I nodded, implying that he was fine.

"That's where I'm headed." I turned to walk with her.

"Does he know? You know about Lily?" She asked.

"I think. How do you know?" I asked her.

"I saw them bringing out the body bag. Dew, you should have heard her when she thought it was you. I've never heard anyone scream like that." Gale sighed.

"What'd you mean?"

"It sounded like someone had just stabbed a knife through her heart Dewey. I saw her. Her face... it looked like she was dying." Gale put a hand on my shoulder. "I didn't know someone could love someone else as much as she loved you."

"And I love her just as much, if not more." I said. "She's everything to me, Gale." She nodded and pushed open the door to Randy's hospital room. He was asleep.

"My wife, my daughter, and my son are all stuck in a hospital bed. At least Tatum will be out of hers soon." I sighed.

"Maybe they can put Randy and Emma together." Gale tried to smile.

We sat in silence for a good thirty minutes before a doctor came in. I stood up and shook his hand.

"Emma?" I asked. He looked sad and hung his head.

"She alive, but she's not exactly well. She lost way too much blood and it's a miracle she made it out of that hospital. I'm going to be honest with you Mr. Riley... she shouldn't be alive. It's almost impossible for her to have survived that." My heart stopped and I put a hand up ti my mouth.

"She can get better, but there's a slim chance. I can pretty much assure you she won't wake up for another few days. We did a blood transfusion and hopefully that will save her but as of right now that is all we have. Hope." I nodded and let a tear fall down my face.

"You can go see her now." He patted my back and left the room. I heard Gale let out a sob behind me.

"Dewey." She cried. "Dewey what if she never wakes up?" I walked over and held her.

"She will. She's emma. No way in hell she's gonna let this beat her."

I was sitting in the long, trying to get my head wrapped around all that had happened. I felt the couch dip and heard the familiar voice I so badly needed.


"Oh Syd." I cried, letting her pull me into her embrace.

"Dewey what happened?" She asked.

"In the hospital, she was attacked. It's the worst it's ever been Syd. And the worst part is... it's all my fault. If I had just gotten in that stupid elevator with her, she wouldn't be in this bad of a condition." I cried.

"Dew, it's not your fault." She rubbed my back.

"Sydney, don't give me that. They say there's a slim chance she'll wake up, and my daughter is laying in a hospital bed and has no clue what the hell is wrong with her mother. My son is in a hospital bed and just lost his wife. And now I'm afraid I'm gonna loose my wife to. And to top it all off... I'm worried sick about my grand baby growing up without a mother."

Sydney wiped a few tears away from her face. "I'll kill them. Dewey I'm going to stop at NOTHING to kill them. Nothing, do you understand?"

I nodded and straightened up. "And I'm going to help you." I said.

"No. No you're going to sit in that room with Emma, and you're going to pray to whatever God you think is there and you're gonna watch her wake up." She ordered me.

"Sydney. They almost killed my wife, my daughter, and my son. I limits lost my ENTIRE family. They took away my grandchild's mother. They're not about to walk away from this without having to deal with me." I snarled.


"No. Get your shit together, we leave in thirty minutes." I stood up and left her sitting on the couch. "Find Gale." I called over my shoulder.

I walked to Emma's room and stood over her bed. I grabbed one of her hands and kissed it.

"I love you. More than anything in this world and right now I need you with me. But you're not. Please." I begged. "Please come back to me baby." I let a tear fall onto her hand.

"I need you."

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