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I sighed as I walked in the door. Home.

People called the house they loved in home, but for me, home was here. Here In Woodsboro. That's home.

"We're home." Dewey sighed. I nodded my head and smiled. 

"I love you." I said, turning to him. He furrowed his brows slightly and opened his arms. I willingly walked into them. He wrapped his arms around my back, and I winced a little when he touched one of the cuts on my back.

"I'm sorry!" He instantly apologized, kissing the top of my head.

"You have no clue how horrible that few hours of my life were." He said, resting his chin on the top of my head as we swayed back and forth.

"If you're talking about the few hours you thought I was dead, then you'd be so wrong. I know exactly how that feels. I've done it twice." I mumbled into his chest.

"Well I hate it." He sighed. "As much as I love standing here with you, we have a lot of work to do before the twins get home tomorrow." I groaned at his words.

Dewey's mom had been nice enough to keep the twins until we got their room ready. "Ok." I whined. "Let's get this done."

(This is how their room looks except the bottom bunk had blue sheets for Randy

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(This is how their room looks except the bottom bunk had blue sheets for Randy. The paintings above the bed are also different. I'll let you imagine whatever paintings you want.)

3 hours later i stepped back to look at my work. "I like this." I sighed.

"Me to." Dewey agreed. "You think Randy will be fine with having the bottom bunk?" He asked, looking down to meet my eyes.

"Oh, yeah. You know he doesn't like being up high." I smiled.

"Randy didn't either. That's weird." I knew he was talking about Randy Meeks. He was right. Randy was so much like Randy Meeks and Tatum was so much like her aunt Tatum.

"You know both of them are just like the person their named after. Randy even has the same brown hair that will NOT stay in place that Randy Meeks did." I furrowed my brows.

"Some things just work that way." Dewey smiled, kissing me before pulling away when the doorbell rang.

"Gale." We both said together, as we laughed, walking to the door.

Dewey opened the door to reveal Gale smiling like a mad man."I'm here to decorate!" She clapped her hands together.

Gale had offered to come and help us (more like do it for us.) since Dewey and I were not good in that department. "Thanks Gale." I smiled.

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