My Hero

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One week later

Dewey's POV:

Tatum and I were sitting on the couch of Emma's hospital room, watching one of the shows Tatum had recently been obsessed with.

"Ok dad, that right there, that's Steve Harrington. He's played by Joe Keery. Doesn't he kind of remind you of... Steven?" She asked.

"Yeah, he does. Especially the hair." Tatum nodded and laughed.

"God he was obsessed with his hair!" She laughed. "Oh anyway, that's Jim Hopper and he's played by David Harbour." She pointed to the man in the screen.

"So you said this show was called... Stranger Things?" I asked.

"Yes dad, keep up." She chuckled.

"What episode are we on?" I asked. To be honest with you I was kind of getting into the show.

"Episode one." She shrugged.


"Dad! Calm down, Jesus." He she said. "Yes, shit happens in this movie." She laughed. Just then Dwight, Randy's son started to cry. "See now we've woken up the baby." She stood up and walked over to his little play pen.

"Alright Dwight. Come on baby." She picked him up and patted his back as she bounced him up and down. "Shhh shh shh." She cooed. Soon he stopped crying and she walked back over to the couch.

"What did I miss?" She asked.

"Well this Jim dude just cussed out a bunch of kids in the school so... not much." I shrugged.

"Ok, cool." We both snapped our heads in the direction of Emma's bed when we heard the beeping.

I jumped up and ran over to her side. "Doctor!" I yelled. "Doctor Rhodes!" He ran into the room looking panicked but relaxed when he saw Emma.

I looked down to see her eyes fluttering open. "Hey, hey. Welcome back." Rhodes said as he pressed a button that made the beeping stop.

"Emma?" I said, shocked.

"Mom?" Tatum sniffed.

"Wh-where's... where Randy?" She asked. She sat up further in her bed. "Where's Randy!?" She panicked.

"Baby he's fine. He's being wheelchaired down the the cafeteria." I chuckled with tears brimming my eyes. "I can't believe you're awake." I leaned down to kiss her.

She willingly kissed me back. "I missed you." She barley whispered, I noticed her voice was horse and weak.

"I missed you to honey. Look you need to lay down." I ushered.

"I'll leave you two alone." Dr. Rhodes smiled.

"Dew, where's Sam, and Richie?" She asked.

"Sam's fine. She's good just a little shaken up, ya know?" I smiled, brushing down her hair.

"And Richie?" She asked. I shook my head. "Oh. They got him."

"No. I got him." I corrected. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "He was the killer. Along with that Amber girl." Her eyes widened.

"Ohh." She croaked out.

"I love you." Tatum blurted out. I looked behind me to see you was crying.

"Oh baby. I love you too. Come here." Emma sighed.

Emma's POV:

Three months later:

"Zoom!" I laughed, picking Dwight up and throwing him in the air.

"Mom! Dr. Rhodes said to take it easy." Randy scolded me.

"Oh hush. It's Easter, let me have my fun." I scoffed.

"Ok well when you pull out some stitches, it's not our fault." Tatum said, rolling her eyes.

"Whatever. Who's ready to hunt Easter eggs!?" I asked Dwight.

"M-me!" He shouted. He was seven months old now and started to say a few words. It was absolutely adorable.

"We'll find all of them." I laughed. I leaned in to him so I could whisper in his. "Mainly because grandpa sucks at hiding them." I snickered.

"Hey! I know y'all are over there gossiping about me!" Dewey called over.

"Nobody cares Dewey!" Gale yelled back.

"Finish your dressing like we told you to, old man!" Sydney yelled, causing everyone but Dewey to burst into fits of giggles.

"Oh yeah! Pick on the old man, I get it! Gale you're what... seven years older than me?" He asked, chopping up some onions.

"Shut up." She snapped. I laughed and set Dwight down so I could go into the kitchen where Dewey was.

I sighed, wrapping my arms around his waste from behind and burying my face into his back.

"It's nice having everyone here." Dewey smiled.

"We both know this isn't everyone. Lily should be over there, playing with Dwight. Steven should be sitting beside Tatum on the couch, flipping through wedding magazines, and most importantly... Randy and Tatum, our Randy and Tatum should be holding a child of their own." I sighed.

"I'm sorry, but... did you just say that my sister and her best friend should be holding a child of their own?" He asked.

"Yeah. I've always had this feeling that if Tatum had survived she and Randy would have gotten together. If they were here now, they'd be an old married couple like us." I laughed at the thought.

"Now that I think about it, I wouldn't mind having a niece or nephew." Dewey smiled.

"Me either Dew. But for now we have the perfect family. Some of them are just laughing there asses off up in the sky at the stupid shit we do." Dewey laughed and turned around.

"Do you know that I love you?" He asked.

"You might have mentioned it?" I smirked. "Do you know that I love you?"

"You might have mentioned it." He smiled before leaning in and kissing me.

"You know what?" I smiled.

"What?" He asked.

"You're my hero." He shook his head.

"No. You're my hero."

~~~The End~~~

A/N: This hurts my heart so freaking much! I can't believe this is the last chapter! Well technically it isn't because I'm gonna post another with some of my favorite quotes from the characters in this book. We all know they've said some pretty sassy shit. They've also said some very sweet stuff and I want to include that!

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