Randy's Engagement

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A/N: Before we start... can we just talk about how freaking hot David Arquette looks right here!! Like just take a second to admire that. They couldn't have hired a better person to play Dewey. Ok I'm done with obsessing over him. On with the book!

February 23rd, 2021 

"Mom?" Randy, my now 23 year old son asked me.

"Yeah baby?" I responded, looking over my magazine at him.

"I've been thinking and... I'm gonna propose to Lily." My mouth hung open in shock. Lily had been Randy's girlfriend for 5 years. 

"Randy! That's wonderful." Dewey exclaimed.

"I know I'm just... I'm really nervous. I mean, what if it goes wrong? What if she says no?" His face twisted in worry.

"Randy. Dude, it can't go any worse than how I proposed to your mother. It was supposed to be on a romantic island. But when we heard that two college kids had been killed, we were rushing to pack and go see aunt Syd, and uncle Randy, and the damn ring fell out of my pocket." Dewey groaned remembering how horribly his plans had been ruined.

"But mom still said yes. And the majority of your engagement was fine." Randy sighed.

"Randy, honey, we spent half of our engagement in a hospital. I spent a few hours thinking your husband is dead, and not to mention one of my best friends was killed while we were being hunted down." I shrugged and looked over at the boy. 

"Son, you'll do fine." Dewey assured him.

"Have you asked for her family's blessing?" I asked. He nodded. "Do you have a ring?" He nodded again. "Then like your dad said... you'll be fine."

Tatum came back into the living room from the bathroom. "What did I miss?"

Tatum and Randy were getting ready to go back to their houses. Randy currently lived with Lily a few blocks away from Dewey and I while Tatum and Steven (Macher) lived in a small flat at the end of our street.

Steven turned out to be a very sweet guy. I actually liked him a lot and surprisingly so did Dewey. I knew that if Dewey trusted him, so could I.

"Bye mom. Bye dad." Tatum smiled, hugging me and kissing Dewey on the cheek.

"Bye honey." Dewey smiled.

"Tell Steven we said hello." I smiled, watching his car pull up in our driveway to pick up Tatum. "Oh look there he is now.

I watched as he stepped out of the car and walked up to our front step. "Hi Mrs. Riley. Mr. Riley." He smiled.

"Hello Steven." I returned a smile to the boy. He was tall with black hair a lot like Dewey's. He only faintly resembled his uncle... Stuart... unlike how Tatum resembled, well Tatum almost exactly.

"Hi Steven." Dewey smiled, mirroring him by putting his arm around my waist like Steven had his around Tatum's.

Tatum looked up at him and pressed a quick kiss to his lips. "Oh hey man." Randy said, giving Steven some kind of weird hand shake thing that all the kids did.

"Hey man." Steven smiled.

"Oh, I wanted to tell you. I'm gonna pop to question to Lils. What ya' think?" He asked.

"That's great! I can't wait." Steven smiled genuinely.

"Thanks man." Randy chuckled.

"Tatum and I gotta run now but I hope everything goes well." Steven sighed before looking down at Tatum. "You ready?"

"Yeah. Bye guys." She waved at Dewey, Randy, and I before leaving with Steven.

"I gotta go to." Randy yawned.

"Hey before you do, show me the ring." He nodded and pulled out his phone.

The ring was simple but still very pretty

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The ring was simple but still very pretty. I was excited for my son, remembering how happy I was when Dewey and I got engaged. I remembered how excited randy had been. After Dewey and I met him he had called me.

"Hey Em!"

"Hey Randy. Whats going on?"

"It's just taken me this long to process that you and Dewey are engaged."

I laughed. "I still haven't fully comprehended it."

"I'm excited for you. I kinda hope he makes me a best man."

"There is no doubt in my mind that he will. He thinks pretty highly of you Randy."

"I hope so. I've always looked up to him ya' know. Everyone thought he was kind of a goof but I really hope I can be like him one day. He's a good guy Em. You scored a good one, don't loose him."

"Thanks Randy. I won't"

"So where are you thinking about having the wedding at?"

"Randy I just got engaged yesterday. We don't know yet."

"Sorry, i'm just excited."

"I know. Me to."

"Hey, I deserve a kid names after me after all we've done together." He laughed.

"Of course Randy."

That's the real reason Dewey and I had named our son after him. Randy snapped me out of my thoughts with a hug.

"I gotta go. Lils waiting on me."

"Ok, drive safe. Love you." I sighed.

"Love you to."

"Love you, Randy." Dewey said as Randy started to walk out the door.

"Love you more dad."

"Love you most."

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