Part 4

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Red's POV

I sit on the floor in front of Boat. We're in the meeting room. Ritchie and Brandon called us all in for it. But only me, Boat and Kit have shown up. I lean against Boats legs and look at Ritchie and Brandon. After a few minutes a man walks into the room. "We'll wait for INmo to join us. I dont think David and Mario will join us. I put them on construction duty." Ritchie says. "I'm here." The man says. "Oh, is he always late? Or is just a thing?" Boat asks. "He's always late." Richie says. "Oh okay." Boat says as he plays with my hair.

"Who Mario, yeah." The man says. I look at Boat then back to the man. "That's Inmo." Boat tells me. I nod my head and look back at the guild leaders. I listen as Ritchie gets Inmo to sit down. I look up at Boat with a small laugh as he groans about David. "What did you call us here for?" Boat asks. "Well, we have some important news." Ritchie starts. "I'm Getting A rank?!" Inmo asks loudly as he jumps out of his seat. Boat laughs as Ritchie says no. "You might want to take a seat." Ritchie tells Inmo.

I watch as Ritchie tells Inmo hes getting demoted. Kit and Boat both try not to laugh, both failing. "We have lost a guild member." Ritchie says. "Who?" Everyone asks. "Pebble brains is gone?" Inmo asks. "What no. Its someone else. Their leaving. They said it would be better with what they're doing. I say they're just going undercover." Ritchie says. "Who is it?" Kit asks. "There's always a place with us. Bjorn left." Ritchie says.

"Boss left?" Inmo asks sadly. "What?" Kit asks confused. "I'm sorry, I don't know who that is." Boat says for the both of us. "The big guy, the viking. Him. Besides my brother and me, he was our strongest member." Ritchie says. "He was also a heavy drinker." Kit says. I watch as Inmo freaks out thinking Bojrn died. I bite my lip to not laugh at Inmo. "Your on your own now." Ritchie tells Inmo. "Your kicking me out of the guild?" Inmo asks. We all try not to laugh, but we all fail.

Boat puts his hand on my shoulder, I reach up and start to play with his hand. "I'm just saying you can't train with him anymore." Ritchie says. "He will be working in the shadows. But luckily, we gain two new members as one leaves. They may not be as strong as Bjorn. But they're both strong." Ritchie says. I look at Inmo with confusion as he calls Boat a fire mage. I just keep playing with my brother's hand.

"I am a water mage." Boat says as he looks at Inmo. I nod my head and listen to everyone. Soon, Brandon gets mad at Inmo because he hit him. Kit runs around the table over to me and Boat. I stand up and hide behind Boat. Boat gets up and walks to Brandon, so as he does that. Kit puts me behind her. "Calm down, he's a little emotional right now." Boat tells Brandon. "I don't care. He is dead." Brandon says after INmo hits him again.

"At least calm down a little. Your terrifying Red." Boat says as he sees me hiding behind Kit. "Fine." Brandon says. Boat sits back down and holds me on his lap. "I am leaving for a little bit." Brandon says. "Where are you going? If I may ask?" Boat asks. "Why would i tell you?" Brandon asks as he glares at Boat. I shrink into Boat's chest. "Alright okay." Boat says as he puts his chin on my head.

"Once you leave everyone is going to get it. Kits going to get it because she couldn't find the lacrama. Your gonna get it because you attacked us. Davids gonna get it because he wasn't standing after his fight. Inmo going to get from hitting my brother. Marios going to get it, well... because he always gets it." Ritchie says as he paces. I whimper and I try to hide into Boat more. "Is the kid going to get it?" Brandon asks. "Of course, she's going to get it. She attacked us!" Ritchie says.

"Now you all leave." Ritchie says. And with that the meeting ends and Kit quickly leaves. "I know it probably won't do much. But I want to say, I'm sorry. And i know Red is sorry as well." Boat says as he walks up to the guild leaders with me behind him. "You need a guild mark. Both of you do." Ritchie says as he looks at me and Boat. I look at Boat then back at Ritchie. "A guild mark is what everyone in a guild gets. It shows everyone whose guild you're a part of." Ritchie tells me. 

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