Part 11

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Red's POV

"That was so cool!" Lani says happily. "Now, Fight me!" She tells me as she walks into the training arena. I look at her and smirk. I lift up the earth around me as she looks at me. Then, she attacks. She gets a few hits on me, but not many. But, me on the other hand. I hit her almost every time. I can hear people softly speaking behind us as we fight.

And i wait, wait for the perfect time to show everyone that I'm more than what i look. After a few minutes of fighting, i have vines grab the people's ankles and drag them into the air near me. I turn and look at them with a smirk. It's Ritchie and Brandon. Their both staring at me and Lani tries to attack me from behind. So i wrap her up in vines and lift her into the air.

"Okay, you made your point. Put us down." Brandon tells me. I smirk and fling both the guild leaders into the air. Ritchie teleports down to the ground and Brandon starts to fly. "You want to fight kid?" Ritchie asks as lightning surrounds his body. I look him in his eyes and I smirk. 'Show them who you are. Don't hold back.' Rain tells me. Brandon tries to shoot me with lightning along with Ritchie.

But I quickly go into the ground. I grab Brandon out of the air and i sink him into the dirt. I know he will get out soon, but that's part of my plan. I then pop out of the earth and look at Ritchie. He shoots lightning at me but I block it using the air around us. I quickly wrap him in vines than in a giant flower. Then I put water around him. 'Shoe them your true form dear.' Rain says.

I can feel my eyes change as i use my powers. I see my hair change, and i feel my skin cracking as my markings go onto my skin. I can feel my teeth grow sharper and my nails grow longer and sharper. Unlike other god slayers, my clothes change. So now I have on a black dress instead of my normal clothes. I feel more powerful. I've grown a few inches as well.

I lighten my traps on my guild leaders, while Lani looks at me with wide eyes. Ritchie and Brandon soon get out and stand in front of me. "That's Red, right?" Ritchie asks Brandon. "I believe so." Brandon tells him. "She's not a demon Slayer and she's not a dragon slayer." Brandon says. "Are you a god Slayer?" Ritchie asks me. I smirk and nod my head.

"Well, lets see what you can do, no holding back." Brandon says as he gets ready to fight. A ring of fire entraps all of us. I wait for one of them to make the first move. I already know how Brandon fights, But i don't know how Ritchie fights. Brandon is more controlled and his attacks are planned. But just from knowing Ritchie for a few days, I think his attacks will be more chaotic and not thought through.

I watch as Ritchie attacks me, lightning shooting at me from all sides. I use water to redirect it at the two brothers. It mostly hits Ritchie and goes back a few feet. 'Watch Brandon, he's planning something.' Rain tells me. My eyes land on Brandon as his hand twitches a little. I feel Something rushing at me from behind. I turn around and I grab the air and storm attack with my air magic.

I quickly throw it at Ritchie, hitting him and making him fall. I grab Brandon with a ball of light and I lift him up into the air. I make a tree near us come to life. It walks through the fire and grabs Brandon with its branches. The branches grow and wrap around Brandon tightly. I make venus fly traps grow and bite Ritchie. 'Let them win dear. They need to see that you can control everything. And they need to see that you will not hurt them or fight for position as leader.' Rain tells me

So i stop, I let Brandon go and the tree sits him on the ground, then the tree goes back to its normal state. I then stop the giant venus fly trap from eating Ritchie. They both look at me and get ready to attack again. I take a deep breath and go out of my god form. Ritchie strikes me and I let it hit me and knock me down. "You could have won, why didn't you?" Brandon asks me. 

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