Part 7

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Red's POV

I wake up to the sound of yelling the next morning. I look out my window to see Boat jumping out of his window. I quickly go down my ladder and I turn to look to Lucas's room. Standing in the doorway is David. Only wearing underwear. I scream a little and run down the stairs. I run out of the room and straight into Ritchie. I fall onto the ground and look up at him. "What's wrong with you?" He asks me. I stand up and take a few steps away from Ritchie.

"Red, You good? I heard you scream." Lucas asks as he runs up to me and Ritchie. I look at Lucas then back to the house. "...You saw him. Didn't you." Lucas says. I nod my head. "Ohhh you saw David in full force," Ritchie says. "I'll talk to him about doing that with a minor around." Ritchie says. "I've told David to show you two around. So... Have fun." Ritchie says with a laugh as he walks away. I turn and walk towards the castle. "Where are you going?!" Lucas asks me.

I turn and look him dead in the eyes. "Bleach." I tell him bluntly. "..Understandable," Lucas tells me. I then walk towards the castle. My stomach growls as I walk into the castle. I follow the smell of food. I get into a small mess hall. I look around to make sure no one is there before I walk up to the food. There is meat, sandwiches, fruit, berries, and something brown with strawberries on it.

I grab a sandwich and an apple. I then sit down on a stool and slowly take a bite of my sandwich. "Oh, hello." A man says from the side of me. I quickly look over and stand up. I back up a little. There's a man with black hair. I saw him during the fight. "It's okay, Calm down." He tells me. I just continue to stare at him. "Your Red right?" He asks me. I just slowly nod my head. "Cool, I'm Mario. I'm an Earth Dragon Slayer." The man tells me as he sits on a stool.

He sits down on the stool farthest away from my stool. "Sit down, eat. If it makes you more comfortable, Kit is going to be here in a minute or two. I look at him then at my food. My stomach growls so I give in. I sit back down and start taking small bites of my sandwich. The whole time I keep an eye on Mario. "I'm so hungry!" I hear Kit say as she walks into the room. "Oh hey, Red!" Kit says with a smile. I look at her and give her the smallest of smiles.

"Ohhh we have cake." Kit says as she walks up to the food. I look at her confused. Mario sees my face. "Have you never had cake before?" Mario asks me. I look at him then back at the thing Kit is cutting into. I slowly shake my head no. "Seriously!?" Kit asks with wide eyes. "Have you ever had a cookie?" Mario asks. I shake my head no. "Brownie?" He asks. I once again shake my head no.

"Candy?" Kit asks me. I shake my head no. "Chocolate?!" Mario asks loudly. I shake my head no. "Hot Chocolate?" Kit asks. I tilt my head confused as I slowly shake it. "I need to have a talk with your brother." Kit mumbles as she gets two pieces of cake. "I agree with you there Kit." Mario says. Kit sits one of the slices in front of me and hands me a metal thingy. "Try it." Kit says as she sits next to me. I look at the metal thing with confusion. 

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