25: Many Truths

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"Wow. This looks really good." Zayn scanned over the meal in front of him.

"It does." Harry added.

"What is that again?"

"Spinach and cheese quesadillas with a chunky salsa dip."

"Yum. Seems a little more on the healthier side too."


Harry took a bite of his cajun rice bowl.

"My meal is still as delicious as last time. The shrimp is so tender. I think I'm starting to see why you come here often."

"Haven't been here since I last came with you though."

"Really? Is it not the same without me?" He joked.

"Sure, it isn't. But if we keep using this place as a neutral location to talk about stuff, I'll stop coming here altogether."

Harry looked at him softly and reached over to put a gentle hand on his elbow.

"Zayn, you don't have to be nervous."

"Why not? People don't call meetings for no reason, H."

"It's not a meeting. Well, it's a meeting because we met each other. But we're not having a meeting. I'm just sharing information."

"At a neutral location because you think I'll get mad. I can only guess it's something bad."

Harry sighed.

"Okay. I wanted to wait until after we finished our meal. But if it's going to stop you from enjoying your food, let's just talk about it now."

"I would like that."



Harry stopped eating.

"I'll get straight to the point then. You know how I've been telling you that Professor Payne is my editor?"

"Yeah. For your column."

"That's not true."

Zayn titled his head sideways.

"It's not?"


"Who is he then?"

"My professor from college."

Zayn paused.

"What's your college professor doing at your house?"

"He was my Human Anatomy and Physiology Professor. You know, the course that teaches about the functions of the body- the organs and such."


"So basically, he is really into the functions of the body. Kind of obsessed but reasonably so, considering the topic he is most fond of."

"And which topic is that?"

Harry was almost embarrassed to say it. "Male pregnancy."

Zayn scoffed. "Are you kidding me? Don't tell me he was trying to have a baby with you."

"No. Gosh no. He wasn't trying to do that."

"Then what's his problem? Why is he hanging around?"

"Because I'm working with him on a book. It's a book about me and Benjamin. From conception to birth. I've written it and started typing it up. Now he's going to pay for it to be published and anything I need for it. All in the name of research."

Zayn held his hand out. He was confused.

"Hold up. Why does he want a book about you making and having our baby? That seems personal, don't you think?"

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