Chapter ◦14••••

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Hey guys! Another new chapter! I loved hearing from you in chapter 13, seeing comments on it makes me so happy!

I hope you'll enjoy this chapter! It might answer some of your questions 😉 I'm excited to hear what you think!

By the way, just yesterday evening I read my book Notes To Myself and now I got that tingly itchy feeling to write for that one again as well....... I'm falling in love with my unfinished stories again! I'd like to write for Celebrate too but it's so big with so many details and events that I can't do that yet 'cause I haven't been able to read the full thing. But maybe I'll write for Notes To Myself some day again!

Anyways! I hope you enjoy this chapter! I love writing this story. Can't believe I didn't write more for this a few years ago! But I'm really glad to be bringing it back to life!

Hope you enjoy! Pretty lengthy chapter here. Love you guys! Thank you so much for the support! I hope to hear from you!

Word count: 6621


Around 11:15 PM, Tyler heard the front door open and after a minute, Kathy and Colin walked in.

"Hi", she simply said. "Hey Tyler!" Colin smiled. "Hi! How was your day?" Tyler asked as he paused what he was watching. "It was great! And dinner was super tasty, right?" Colin said and Kathy replied with yes. "Well since we're back, you can go home now", Kathy said.

"Ah c'mon, Tyler has been here for so long so last minute! The least we could do is offer him a beer", Colin said. "Oh I actually don't drink beer", Tyler said. "What about apple cider? you can have one drink before driving home right?" Colin asked and Tyler nodded. "I actually do like Apple cider", Tyler said. "Well come on then, let's have a drink!" Colin said.

"I wanted to go shower", Kathy told him. "Well you can do so, I'll keep Tyler company, it's fine!" Colin smiled at her. Tyler saw that she was not happy with this, but she couldn't say so, and Tyler just pretended that he thought they were both just being nice.

"Wanna go outside?" Colin asked. "Yeah I like sitting outside", Tyler said as he got up. Colin went to the kitchen and got a beer and an apple cider. He passed it to Tyler and they went to the backyard, sitting down on the couch next to each other.

"How was your day?" Colin asked. "Oh it was great, I took Riley to the animal park nearby", Tyler smiled. "Aw that sounds awesome. I asked Kathy earlier if she wanted to go somewhere with Riley but she wasn't really feeling it so she then called you", Colin said. "Sorry for ruining your Saturday!" "No thats okay! I love Riley, I'd be here every day if they'd allow me to", he joked, causing Colin to laugh.

"So what about you? I'm Riley's babysitter but I don't know a lot about you. Not that you know a lot about me though", Tyler laughed. "That's true, I don't, but I'll start", Colin smiled. He took a sip from his beer. "I'm a drummer and a music producer. The producing is more my full time job, drumming is more of a hobby and a side job. So I'm very into music", he said. "I'm 29, live about two hours away, and now I'm here", he smiled. "I also sometimes teach kids music lessons at school. I really enjoy that too", he said.

"Oh really? That's awesome! I'm studying to become an elementary teacher", Tyler said. "Oh cool! If you do make it, let me know, I might come teach your class a thing or two about music", Colin grinned. "I'll keep you to that!" Tyler smiled.

"So, you and Kathy?" Tyler asked. "Oh we met a few months ago! She was at an event for work and I was responsible for the music there. We met and kind of hit it off right away", he smiled. Tyler hummed. "That's fun", he smiled back, taking a sip from his cider. "So what do you think of Riley?" Tyler asked. "Oh she seems great! She's not very open to me yet though", he said. "Well she needs time, but once she knows you, she's very open", Tyler said. "Well luckily we got plenty of time!" Colin said with a big smile. Tyler returned the smile, but his mind was racing.

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