Chapter ◦◦◦34••••

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Hey lovelies! New chapter whoo!

How are you? Done anything fun lately? Listened to any good music?

I've been doing pretty okay lately! Gonna start going to movies more again. I have a membership that lets me go to unlimited movies at my local movie theater but because of the concerts last 2 weeks we haven't been able to go to a lot except for last Friday. But I'm planning to go to more again this week :)

Do you have any movie recs? Which one should I definitely go see in the movie theater? I recently saw The Northman and I got my tickets to see doctor strange next month :)

(Ps: if you'd like me to recommend tv shows, movies or songs/music to you, feel free to hit me up 'cause I'm bursting with recs for anyone who's interested haha!)

Anyways! Enough about my life & movies. Let's get into this chapter! I hope you'll enjoy it. I've been really loving how easy it is for me to write this story. I'm just really loving the characters and it makes it so nice to write for this. I hope you'll enjoy reading it as much as I do writing it ♥️♥️

Let's get into it! I hope you enjoy. I'd love to hear what you think of it and I'd appreciate it sooo much if you could leave a vote ♥️ thank you all for your continued support! It means the world. ♥️

Here we go! Chapter 34 ♥️

Word count: 6007


Later that night, Josh and Tyler were laying in bed. Tyler wanted to sleep, because he was exhausted, but he forced himself to stay awake so he could talk to his lover.

"How's your wrist?" Tyler asked. "You haven't said much about it lately. Has it been healing well?" Tyler asked. "I think so, yeah", Josh said. "It still hurts a bit but most of the time it doesn't hurt too bad. Just when lifting Riley up or lifting heavy things, then it hurts", he said. "You shouldn't do that too much", Tyler said. "Don't lift heavy things. Just save it for lifting up Riley, and try to minimize that too", he said.

"I'll try", Josh said softly as he looked at his wrist that Kathy had broken a few weeks ago. "Still can't believe she broke it", he whispered. "Me neither", Tyler sighed softly. He ran his hand through his lover's hair.

"I've been thinking about how she uh, she forced herself on me too. Just... still really scared that she might be pregnant. Imagine that, if I'd lose you, and Riley, and she'd then give birth to my second kid. I don't know what I'd do then, I think I'd just jump off a bridge or something", he muttered.

"Hey, don't, don't say that", Tyler said as he reached out to grab Josh's hand. "You're not gonna lose Riley. We said we were gonna stop assuming that I'm gonna die any time soon and yeah there might be a chance that she's pregnant but there's also a big chance that she's not", Tyler said.

Josh bit his lip. "Sorry", he whispered. "Don't be", Tyler replied. He shuffled closer to Josh, since he had stopped caring about keeping his distance from Tyler. He cuddled up to Josh, wrapping his arms around his waist.

"Talk to me. I know there's something else bothering you", Tyler said softly. He'd noticed it all evening, ever since he came back from picking Riley up from school even. Something was up, and he didn't know what it was. He'd tried figuring it out but had been unsuccessful.

"I don't wanna talk about it", Josh softly said. "I do", Tyler replied. Josh let out a soft sigh. He bit his lip, not replying right away. Tyler coughed and turned away from Josh as he did so, while Josh rubbed his back. He gave Tyler the bottle of water, who accepted and drank from it. "Hopefully the cough syrup will start working soon", Josh said softly and Tyler nodded. "Not expecting it to go away", he said. "But it might make it happen less", Josh replied and his lover nodded again.

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